Tuesday, November 26, 2019
As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay Example
As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay Example As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people Essay As Christians we do have responsibilities for other people. We should love, care and help our neighbours.Christians believe that God created everyone equal, and that we were all created in the image of God (Genesis chapter 1), because of this we also believe that we have the duty to care for others as well as ourselves. To be a Christian, we have to be stewards of the earth. Stewards look after the world God created, this includes humans as we live in it.In the New Testament we have several teachings where Jesus encourages us to love our neighbours. We see that we help all kinds of people regarding their religion or what they look like in The Good Samaritan when a Samaritan helps a man who has been beaten up and had his money stolen, and the man is a Levite and he would probably expect the least amount of help from a Samaritan as their people dont like each other. The Samaritan bandaged the mans wounds and took him to an inn and told them to look after him with my money. We learn fro m this parable that we should help our neighbour when they are in trouble or they need it.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength is the great commandment. You cannot keep this commandment if you do not respect other humans, as they are also Gods creation. Love all your neighbour as yourself and you will keep Gods wishes.In another parable The Sheep and Goats Jesus explains that Christians will be judged on the last day on how they helped those in need. There are examples of giving food to the hungry , visiting a sick person, welcoming a stranger. Those people who have done these things will go to heaven As you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me and those who havent will go to hell. We learn that everything we do to our neighbours we do to God and if you dont help your neighbours , you do not help God.We believe in the Incarnation, that Jesus Christ is really and truly God and he was on Earth and in flesh. Jesus loved, cared and helped everyone he could and we should follow in his footsteps.Catechism 2258 Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly- to destroy an innocent human being. In this catechism the Roman Catholic church tells us that life is sacred because God gave us life. We should cherish our lives and the life of others by helping them. Life is a precious gift from God; we should live our lives to the fullest. To show God we appreciate his gift we should also help others live their lives to the fullest. As a member of the Catholic Church your relationship with God should always be getting stronger, like confirmation and to prove your faith and to get closer to God you have to help others and you have to take that responsibility.Catechism 2069 One cannot honour another person without blessing God his creator. One cannot adore God without loving all men, his creatures. If you believe and say you are a Christian, you cannot ignore the needs of others. If you ignore the needs of others you are a hypocrite. This catechism is about putting your words into actions Actions speaks louder than words. We learn from the papal documents that we have the responsibility to protect the dignity of human lives. We need to work for the kingdom of God by helping others. We must help others and reject discrimination and show basic equality. In the Decree on the Apostle of Lay People we learn that Lay people share in the mission of the church to spread the Kingdom of God all over the earth. Lay people believe that kindness and love to others is the point on which all people will be judged.A great Christian example to follow is Oscar Romero. He was born in Ciudad Barrios, a town in the m ountainous east of El Salvador, on 15 August 1917..He went to a seminary in San Miguel, then to the capital San Salvador, and from there to Rome. He was ordained in 1942. In January 1944 he was across the city. In 1970, he became auxiliary bishop of San Salvador, and there he busied himself with administration.. In 1974, he became bishop of a rural diocese, Santiago de Maria. Three years later, in February 1977, Oscar Romero became archbishop of San Salvador.In that month soldiers in the town square of the capital attacked crowds of protesters. Then, on 12 March 1977, a priest was murdered, in Aguilares. He recognized that power lay in the hands of violent men, and that they murdered with impunity. The wealthy sanctioned the violence that maintained them. Death squads committed murder in the cities while soldiers killed as they wished in the countryside. More and more Romero committed himself to the poor and the persecuted,, his church began to document the abuse of human rights, an d to establish the truth in a country governed by lies, where men and women simply disappeared without account.But when a succession of priests were murdered Romero found in their deaths testimony of a church incarnated in the problems of its people. On 24 March 1980, he was suddenly shot dead while celebrating mass in the chapel of the hospital where he lived. Oscar Romero devoted his time to help those who were poor and were persecuted, he did not have to do anything but he chose to and thats why he is a good example to follow. Christians should show more often that life is sacred by helping other people like Oscar Romero.
Friday, November 22, 2019
History of the Iran-Contra Scandal
History of the Iran-Contra Scandal The Iran-Contra affair was a political scandal that exploded in 1986, during President Ronald Reagans second term, when it came to light that senior administration officials had secretly- and in violation of existing laws- arranged for the sale of arms to Iran in return for Iran’s promise to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon. Proceeds from the arms sales were then secretly, and again illegally, funneled to the Contras, a group of rebels fighting the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Iran-Contra Affair Key Takeaways The Iran-Contra affair was a political scandal that played out between 1985 and 1987, during the second term of President Ronald Reagan.The scandal revolved around a plan by Regan administration officials to secretly and illegally sell arms to Iran, with funds from the sales funneled to the Contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua’s Cuban-controlled, Marxist Sandinista government.In return for the arms sold to them, the Iranian government had vowed to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon by the terrorist group Hezbollah.While several top White House officials, including National Security Council member Colonel Oliver North were convicted due to their participation in the Iran-Contra affair, no evidence that President Reagan had planned or authorized the arms sales was ever revealed. Background The Iran-Contra scandal grew out of President Reagan’s determination to eradicate Communism worldwide. So supportive of the Contra rebels’ struggle to overthrow Nicaragua’s Cuban-backed Sandinista government, Reagan had called them, â€Å"the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers.†Operating under the so-called â€Å"Reagan Doctrine†of 1985, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency was already training and assisting the Contras and similar anti-Communist insurgencies in several countries. However, between 1982 and 1984, the U.S. Congress had twice specifically prohibited providing further funding to the Contras. The convoluted path of the Iran-Contra scandal began as a covert operation to free seven American hostages who had been held in Lebanon since the state-sponsored Iranian terrorist group Hezbollah had kidnapped them in 1982. The initial plan was to have America’s ally Israel ship weapons to Iran, thus bypassing an existing U.S. arms embargo against Iran. The United States would then resupply Israel with arms and receive payment from the Israeli government. In return for the weapons, the Iranian government promised to help free the Hezbollah-held American hostages. However, in late 1985, U.S. National Security Council member Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North secretly devised and implemented a revision to the plan whereby a part of the proceeds from the weapons sales to Israel would secretly- and in violation of the congressional ban- be diverted to Nicaragua to help the insurgent Contras. What Was the Reagan Doctrine? The term â€Å"Reagan Doctrine†arose from President Reagan’s 1985 State of the Union address, in which he called on Congress and all Americans to stand up to the Communist-ruled Soviet Union, or as he called it the â€Å"Evil Empire.†He told Congress: â€Å"We must stand by all our democratic allies, and we must not break faith with those who are risking their lives- on every continent, from Afghanistan to Nicaragua- to defy Soviet-supported aggression and secure rights which have been ours from birth.†Scandal Discovered The public first learned of the Iran-Contra arms deal shortly after a transport aircraft carrying 50,000 AK-47 assault rifles and other military weapons was shot down over Nicaragua on November 3, 1986. The aircraft had been operated by Corporate Air Services, a front for Miami, Florida-based Southern Air Transport. One of the plane’s three surviving crew members, Eugene Hasenfus, stated in a press conference held in Nicaragua that he and his two crewmates had been hired by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to deliver the arms to the Contras. After the Iranian government confirmed agreeing to the arms deal, President Reagan appeared on national television from the Oval Office on November 13, 1986, stating of the deal: â€Å"My purpose was to send a signal that the United States was prepared to replace the animosity between [the U.S. and Iran] with a new relationship †¦ At the same time we undertook this initiative, we made clear that Iran must oppose all forms of international terrorism as a condition of progress in our relationship. The most significant step which Iran could take, we indicated, would be to use its influence in Lebanon to secure the release of all hostages held there.†Oliver North  The scandal grew worse for the Reagan administration after it became clear that National Security Council member Oliver North had ordered the destruction and concealment of documents related to the Iran and Contra arms sale. In July 1987, North testified before a televised hearing of a special joint congressional committee created to investigate the Iran-Contra scandal. North admitted that he had lied when describing the deal to Congress in 1985, stating that he had viewed the Nicaraguan Contras as â€Å"freedom fighters†engaged in a war against the Communist Sandinista government. Based on his testimony, North was indicted on a series of federal felony charges and ordered to stand trial. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North Testifies to Senate on Iran-Contra Scandal.  Getty Images Archive During the 1989 trial, North’s secretary Fawn Hall testified that she had helped her boss shred, alter, and remove official United States National Security Council documents from his White House office. North testified that he had ordered the shredding of â€Å"some†documents in order to protect the lives of certain individuals involved in the arms deal. On May 4, 1989, North was convicted of bribery and obstruction of justice and was sentenced to a three-year suspended prison term, two years on probation, $150,000 in fines, and 1,200 hours of community service. However, on July 20, 1990, his conviction was vacated when a federal court of appeals ruled that North’s televised 1987 testimony to Congress may have improperly influenced the testimony of some witnesses at his trial. After taking office in 1989, President George H.W. Bush issued presidential pardons to six other individuals who had been convicted for their involvement in the scandal. Had Reagan Ordered the Deal? Reagan made no secret of his ideological support of the Contra’s cause. However, the question of whether he ever approved Oliver North’s plan to provide weapons to the rebels remains largely unanswered. The investigation into the exact nature of Reagan’s involvement was hindered by the destruction of related White House correspondence as ordered by Oliver North. In early 1986, the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission, chaired by Republican Texas Senator John Tower, found no evidence that Reagan himself was aware of the details or extent of the operation, and that the initial sale of arms to Iran had not been a criminal act. In a televised address on March 4, 1987, Reagan, however, took responsibility for the scandal, stating that â€Å"what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages.†President Reagan's television address on the Iran-Contra Affair, 1987. National Archives While his image suffered as a result of the Iran-Contra scandal, Reagan’s popularity recovered, allowing him to complete his second term in 1989 with the highest public approval rating of any president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Sources and Suggested References Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair, United States. Congress. House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran.Reagan, Ronald. August 12, 1987. Address to the Nation on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy, The American Presidency ProjectNever Had an Inkling’: Reagan Testifies He Doubts Contragate Ever Happened. Videotape Transcript Released. Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. February 22, 1990. The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On, The National Security Archive (George Washington University), 2006 Tower commission report excerpts, The Tower Commission Report (1986)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Impact of Visual Effect on Currnet Film Industry Research Paper - 1
Impact of Visual Effect on Currnet Film Industry - Research Paper Example Innovation of visual effects, therefore, has made substantial changes in the film industry resulting into various effects. The paper attempts to analyze both positive and negative effects of visual effects in the film industry. Visual effects (VFX) or the visual F/X involves various processes by which imagery gets manipulated from the context of live shooting. It is a process, which enables editing of live shot movies emergence from old processes, which required directing of movies at exact spots. They involve the integration of live action footage recorded actions during various instances of movie production, with generated imagery from different environments (Ronchi, 2012). According to Christiansen (2008), they are computer-generated software, which enable generation of realistic, costly, but dangerous images that would be difficult to capture in real life. It is, therefore, a step and advancement in technology, which has not only acted as a revelation from the previous limited te chnology to development of new technology. The technology enables production of competent movies independent of life threatening occasions that do not put the life of actors in danger. The invention of visual effects in the film industry has indirectly expanded other sectors such as television series, commercials and games. In as much as this forms, a crucial part of luxury, many companies including middle size and large companies have joined the industry. This has led to increased employment with the people working in the industry increasing up over 70%. This has reduced unemployment, while increasing expertise among many people (Christiansen 2008). The discovery of visual effects in the film industry, therefore, has created more room for employment in the world. In addition, all films have a life around 40 years whether physical film, magnetic tape or an optical disc gets employed. This has posed a challenge in the film industry towards a discovery of mechanisms, which can enable production of longer lasting films. The British Film Institute, for instance, has an archive of 150,000 movies; this is only one third of what they produce. The discovery of visual effects in the industry, however, has remade the film industry allowing storage, re-scratch and re-use of data to meet desired interest. The format offers DPX and Cineon 10 BIT logarithm storage of data, which enable faster quantification of resolution and retrieval. According to the research, 90% of the entire commercial and film industries needs the application of visual effects. The sole purpose of visual effects is to enhance the attractiveness of products including movies and other film products. This enables an achievement of a competitive advantage over other people as people like movies with manipulations to fit the interest of customers (Okun & Zwerman, 2010). The London film industry, for instance, exports the largest number of commercials. It exports 2 billion GPB creating the largest numbers o f position in the city. This is even higher than the bank, which has a GPB less than 2 billion. In the current film, industry, production of a film costs 100 million dollars; however, it is surprising that out of the total lamp sum, 20% to 40% gets designated towards the production of visual effects. The centrality of resonance in various strands of visual effects
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14
Business - Essay Example The two prospective business partners, Pat and Alex, are professionals in different fields. This is an advantage in that it will save their business a lot of money and will go further in ensuring that their business becomes a success. Alex has a lot of experience in roasting coffee, which they can choose to do in their coffee shop instead of buying coffee that is already roasted. Buying roasted coffee is expensive. Being a chef, he can also handle all matters related to the kitchen Alex has all the experience that the business requires in order to provide customers with fine cups of coffee. He could save the business unnecessary expense, and that money could be used for other purposes in the business (Longeneckeet & Gaele, 2006). Pat is a marketing manager in an advertising firm. Pat can overwhelmingly provide the necessary management skills that are required in the coffee shop. This is also an advantage to the business, as management skills are essential in daily operations of a business enterprise. Since the coffee shop will be a new business in town, the two partners will need to carry out some advertisements. The advertisements will be aimed at attracting customers in their business. Pat, a well-trained manager, has to embark on this department and advice on the best way of attracting customers in this coffee shop (Longeneckeet & Gaele,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Introduction to Computer Application and Systems Essay Example for Free
Introduction to Computer Application and Systems Essay The first week required us to assemble a team and establish the team charter; we also discussed the benefits of information systems in the work environment, such as the computers and Internet access. Almost every major company has computers and Internet access now, the company cannot run smoothly without these basic information technology systems, if the company wants to be successful, it has to connect to the rest of the world and Internet is the best way for the company to do so. But there are also some bad sides about the advanced information technology systems, websites like â€Å"Facebook, Twitter, MySpace†require people put their personal information on the website, even some people are smart enough not putting their real name or address on the website, but majority of the computer users just do not have the awareness, they put their real personal information on those websites and once the information is there, it can never be erased. See more: how to start an essay about yourself for college We also talked about the history of the information systems in week one, such like â€Å"Roads†are the first information flow of the ancient world and other things like â€Å"Birds, Stone, Paper†all indicated the beginning of the information systems. Microsoft Office Word is one of the most useful tools designed by Microsoft, the impact it has had on writing is phenomenal, the Microsoft Office Word program is used by perhaps 95 percent of all writers currently extant, and it also changed the way people write, people do not have to worry about a misspelling or lost on word counts, because the Word tools can help them with all these problems. It is rare to see people still writing an essay or a business report on a piece of paper now; this just shows the information technology systems made people’s life so much easier and how important they relate to the society.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Forgotten Kids with Mental Illness Essay -- Children with Mental Disab
Forgotten Kids are children that have disabilities that are barely visible. They have their arms and legs, can see and hear, run, play, etc., but most have never been invited to a birthday party or to a sleep over. They are the last to be chosen to play and the first to be blamed. Their illnesses aren’t fatal, but a small part of their hearts and souls die with every rejection. Their behaviors seem odd or unpredictable to themselves as much as to society. They are misunderstood and overlooked, thus the name â€Å"Forgotten Kids.†Maybe I can bring understanding by showing and providing insight into the life of a child struck with mental illness and hopefully people will realize that my child is just as special as the next.      An estimated 7,000,000 children in Missouri that suffers from these â€Å"invisible disabilities.†Mental illness not only affects the life of the child but the whole community. I live with this fact every day because my son suffers from Bipolar, better known as Manic Depression. Bipolar children long to be free of the strange feelings of sadness or euphoria and the voices that torment them. They wish for a good nights sleep and hope for a day when they can put their words on paper. They dream of friends who don’t abandon them when their moods change; and look for a miracle in the eyes of doctors who don’t always believe that bipolar can happen to a child. Until society becomes more aware and accepting of these illnesses, our future children with these disab...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Belonging in The Simple Gift and Arthur Essay
Every person needs a sense of belonging. Belonging is defined as acceptance as a natural member or part. Scientific research has found that man’s need to belong is a pre-coded instinct found in the primitive brain or amygdale. Without a sense of belonging a person’s well being can be seriously affected. In the book The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick, the main theme is belonging as it follows a boy’s journey to find a place where he feels he belongs. In the book Arthur by Amanda Graham, the author shows the feelings displayed by someone when they don’t belong and then their feelings when they do belong. E.T. is a movie directed by Steven Spielberg which also has the main theme of belonging. The two main protagonists, Elliot and E.T., don’t feel a sense of belonging with anyone until they meet each other. The Simple Gift shows how much people need to belong. Billy is only 15 when he runs away from home. He finds a place to stay temporarily in Bendarat, but it isn’t long until he realises that Bendarat is a town where he feels he belongs. Billy uses descriptive language to show that he feels he belongs in Bendarat. He says â€Å"Bendarat is the perfect town. A friendly librarian, a warm McDonald’s, luxury train accommodation, and the town is surrounded by apple and pear orchids. The real strength of the feeling of belonging is shown through the character Caitlin. Caitlin has got everything from her wealthy parents that she has ever asked for. It is only until she meets Billy that she realises that there has been something missing from her life, something that money can’t buy. Caitlin describes this feeling after she reads a note Billy had left her, and she says, â€Å"I read this and felt something in my stomach, a slight ache, a twinge, and I knew it was hunger but not a hunger for food. And I blushed with the knowledge.†She finds her own sense of belonging with Billy, which makes her happier than she has ever been. Billy and Caitlin are brought together by their wishes to belong. Although they are opposites in society, this difference means nothing to them. Arthur is a picture book written by Amanda Graham. In this book Arthur is a dog in a pet store. Arthur desperately wants to belong to a family and not to be stuck in the pet store. He sees many other animals be sold to families, but he just doesn’t get sold. He impersonates the other animals that are being sold as he thinks that this could give him more of a chance of belonging. Arthur is finally bought by a family and he finds himself happier than he has ever been before. Arthur shows how much everyone needs to belong, and how much you would try to belong if you were lonely. He also shows the benefits of belonging through his new found happiness. Arthur is similar to Billy in The Simple Gift as they are both willing to do almost anything to belong and when they do belong they both find themselves happier than they have ever been. E.T. shows how many differences can be overcome in order to belong. E.T. is an alien that is left behind after travelling to Earth with his friends. He is lonely and scared, and has no idea how he will get home. E.T. meets Elliot and both E.T. and Elliot immediately form a friendship greater than either had felt before. E.T. feels that he doesn’t belong on Earth, but Elliot does everything he can to make E.T. feel like he does belong. E.T is very similar to Billy in the Simple Gift as he is in a place where he knows nobody, has no home and wishes to belong. Both Billy and E.T. are lonely until they meet someone they both form a strong connection with. Billy finds Caitlin and with Caitlin he feels he belongs. E.T. finds Elliot and he feels he belongs. In all of these texts, the main characters have been found someone they belong with and a place where they belong. In every case the feeling of belonging has made them happier and made their lives feel more purposeful.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Smoking And Health Outcomes Health And Social Care Essay
This essay will try to analyze assorted articles in order to try replying four chief inquiries go arounding around smoking and wellness results. Specific mentions will be made to Anu Katainen s article: Social category differences in the histories of smoking â€Å" endeavoring for differentiation? The four chief inquiries revolve around how different groups account for their smoke and how societal factors, category factors and personal positions influence facets of smoke and wellness results.Question 1: How different groups account for their smokePrevious surveies have suggested that smoke is a pick and that the research participants in these surveies emphasise the positive points of smoke and restrain every bit far as possible from speaking about their dependence and the negative points of smoke ( Katainen 2010:1091 ) . In this treatment we will specifically mention to Katainen s research survey. The focal point of Katainen survey was on the cultural and societal facets of smoke ( Katainen 2010:1090 ) . Her survey consisted out of interviews conducted with two groups viz. manual and non-manual workers, aged between 24 and 58, the workers came from diverse work environments ( Katainen 2010:1090 ) . The interviews covered two chief subjects existent smoke behavior and the significances which attributed to smoking ( Katainen 2010:1090 ) . First we will discourse the consequences of the non-manual workers. The first determination in Katainen s ( 2010:1091 ) survey provinces that non-manual workers link smoking with E?pleasurable minutes. Non-manual workers do non merely see smoking portion of mundane life but besides see it as a memorabilia to singular minutes in life ( Katainen 2010:1091 ) . The one respondent expressed the followers: It s like a small bead of A ¦like the concluding touch at some fantastic minutes ( Katainen 2010:1091 ) . The following determination was singular, the respondents considered their smoke as an single wont and emphasised their ain individualism ( Katainen 2010:1091 ) . They province that their smoke cues were non dependant on others ( Katainen 2010:1092 ) . This was interesting due to the fact that it is by and large accepted that smoke is a societal dependence. The respondents refrained from lending to any generalizations or stereotypes ( Katainen 2010:1092 ) . This determination was besides applicable to white-collar respondents, who found it hard to depict or categorize themselves ( Katainen 2010:1092 ) . Another noteworthy find was that no category differentiations were made associating to smoking but differentiations were instead made associating to smoking wonts ( Katainen 2010:1092 ) . An illustration made, was that for certain participants smoking in the smoke room, at the work topographic point, was considered uncomfortable, and these participants would see their smoke as different from the other tobacco users being their smoke was a voluntary act and the other tobacco users smoking was more a modus operandi or an dependence ( Katainen 2010:1093 ) . Adding on to the above mentioned were besides the white-collar respondents who made a clear division between functional smoke and everyday smoke ( Katainen 2010:1093 ) . Smoke was considered more acceptable if it had a map ( e.g. relaxation after a nerve-racking state of affairs ) and less acceptable when it was done routinely ( e.g. smoking whilst walking indicates dependence ) ( Katainen 2010:1093 ) . Although it may look that the respondents all considered smoke in a positive manner there was an exclusion with two respondents, who had a negative attitude towards their ain smoke ( Katainen 2010:1093 ) . In general middle-class respondents viewed their ain smoke as witting Acts of the Apostless and reacted with disgust towards anybody who could non command their E?appetites ( Katainen 2010:1093-1094 ) . Next we will discourse the consequences of the manual workers. In researching the manual workers histories for smoke, consequences proved to be most surprising. Positive concluding such as rebellion, independency and wont which is associated with smoke was expected to correlate with the motive of manual workers but these premises were proven incorrect to some grade ( Katainen 2010:1094 ) . The first positive motive mentioned for smoke was in the instance of work context, for these respondents smoking provided a legitimate ground for interruption every bit good as protracting interruptions ( Katainen 2010:1093-1094-1095 ) . Harmonizing to the respondents the most important ground for their smoke was relaxation, for emphasis and anxiousness increased their smoke wont ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . For illustration the one respondent, Antti ( R49 ) , said that smoke helps quiet you in minutes when something truly pisses you off ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . Another positive facet of smoke was the sociableness of smoke ; it made it easier to acquire acquainted with other workers ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . Smoke was at its most gratifying when uniting coffin nails with java ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . Although there are a batch of similarities between the positive facets of smoke for both manual and non-manual workers the bulk of results remain different ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . When discoursing the facets of smoking with manual workers they were more inclined to portray the negative facets of smoke and found it hard to portray positive facets of smoke ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . This can be clearly seen through the interviews conducted with two of the respondents ( Katainen 2010:1096 ) : Int: Why do you smoke? R50: That s a good inquiry [ laughs ] ! I don t know. It s merely a bad wont. I don t hold anything wise to state about it. Int: Don t you think there s anything positive in smoke? R50: Well I haven t found anything positive yet. I can t believe what could be positive about it. ( 39-year-old male, building worker ) Int: Why do you smoke? R54: Because I m dependent on nicotine. It s every bit simple as that. It s a wont. ( 27-year- old female, building worker ) Non-manual workers accounted for their smoke through justifications and manual workers accounted for their smoke through alibis ( Katainen 2010:1096 ) . For white-collar workers smoking was a witting act/decision ; blue-collar workers on the other manus described it as compulsive, rooted in day-to-day modus operandis and merely happened ( Katainen 2010:1096-1097 ) . Thus the important point that differentiates manual workers from non-manual workers is the manner in which they account for their smoke ( Katainen 2010:1097 ) . There are multiple grounds why these histories differ the five chief facets are the undermentioned. First the different working environments of the two groups have a major impact, for smoke is more common in manual work environments ( Katainen 2010:1097 ) . Second the sum of coffin nails smoked on a day-to-day footing differs greatly among the two groups and thirdly the deficiency of justifications among manual workers every bit good as the accent on negative facets has another great influence ( Katainen 2010:1097 ) . The following major impact was the interviewees because they were female and the male respondents most probably would reply their inquiries in a manner that would do them sound good and hence go forth a good feeling ( Katainen 2010:1098 ) .Then in conclusion the inactive positions among the manual workers have a great influence over their thought procedures ( Katainen 2010:1098 ) . [ Word count: 1002 ]Question 2: Identify societal factors runing in the logical thinking behind smokeIn general it has been proposed that the ground behind the societal differences account for smoke is that educated people are more concerned about wellness related issues and therefore are more goaded to give up smoke ( Katainen 2010:1088 ) . Contradictory to the above mentioned, the latest surveies on category and wellness reveal that all societal groups consider wellness every bit of import but the ways in which these groups execute this importance differs ( Katainen 2010:1088 ) . The upper categories consider wellness as a norm that should be achieved which is reflected in day-to-day patterns, where lower categories consider wellness as enabling day-to-day modus operandis. In her article Katainen ( 2010:1088 ) references that it is of import to detect that surveies on wellness behavior may overrate the significance of witting wellness considerations in mundane life. Terminology used in wellness research may differ from nomenclature used in mundane life for illustration ; habitus termed as E?health behavior, in wellness research, is in mundane life more likely to be governed by modus operandis, cultural forms and societal patterns, than made by a witting attempt to better one s wellness as suggested by wellness research ( Katainen 2010:1088 ) . Habitus is E?the manner society becomes deposited in individuals in the signifier of permanent temperaments ( Wacquant 2005: 316 ) . For Katainen ( 2010:1089 ) Bourdieu s construct of habitus A ¦for the different societal groups, it serves as a common frame of reading through which action becomes apprehensible, based on shared life conditions and life events ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) . In contrast to this habitus has besides been critiqued for being excessively deterministic, people are more cognizant of the regulations and determiners of societal life, more than Bourdieu seemed to presume ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) . Another point Katainen makes is when mentioning to the societal significance of patterns and its ability to bespeak societal distance, which is derived from the place it has in the system of objects and patterns and is non derived from the built-in belongings of the pattern ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) , therefore it is of import obtaining objects and holding complete cognition on their use but besides the manner of gestating them in relation to others ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) . This returns to health-related affairs being personal thoughts of one s behavior every bit good as people actively negociating their topographic point in the universe and constructing and keeping their societal individualities as Katainen ( 2010:1089 ) acknowledged. Through her interviews Katainen besides observed that for some participants smoke was a socialising tool assisting them to do friends and acquire to cognize people ( Katainen 2010:1095 ) . To back up the above mentioned Katainen ( 2010:1097 ) besides states that a societal environment in which smoke is really common and, in a sense, axiomatic, may easy ease its continuation without break, and accordingly does non make the demand to warrant the wont. One can reason that smoke has a broad scope of societal factors that contributes to persons taking up smoke every bit good as halting it. These factors range from personal issues to societal surroundings for illustration ; smoke can come from personal wonts, civilization, and instruction to socialization tools. [ Word count: 502 ]Question 3: Address the function of category in wellness resultIn this inquiry we will discourse three articles of three separate writers viz. Katainen, Henry and Stacey. We will get down with Katainen. In her research Katainen ( 2010:1087 ) provinces that it is by and large accepted that in-between and upper categories tend to populate long healthy lives whereas lower categories tend to populate short lives filled with unwellness. Although certain research workers consider category and societal classs as disentangled from the modern twenty-four hours issues, smoking provides the cogent evidence of the uninterrupted importance of category ( Katainen 2010:1087 ) . In Western states smoking seems to be a tendency under the lower socioeconomic groups bespeaking to inequalities in wellness ( Katainen 2010:1087-1088 ) . Harmonizing to the habitus construct, people s behavior and determinations are affected by their life conditions ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) . Where people live will bespeak what they can afford, their penchants and what is appropriate for their category ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) . For illustration a truck driver eating heavy, fatty repasts and a immature white-collar adult female preferring a light salad: the rightness of certain wonts is related to the single s societal place ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) Smoking inclinations do non merely alteration because of wellness but besides by the image one wants to portray to society ( Katainen 2010:1089 ) . Next we will look at Paul Henry s article ( 2001 ) : An Examination of the Pathways Through Which Social Class Impacts Health Outcomes. In his article Henry ( 2001:07 ) discusses the different motives for the continuation of smoke ( Henry 2001:07 ) . The most important influence among the lower categories was that of equal force per unit area ( Henry 2001:07 ) . Amongst the higher upper categories wellness was considered an inherently of import norm ( Henry 2001:07 ) . Upper classes tend to see good wellness as something you must accomplish, a end to work towards whereas lower category viewed good wellness as a means-to-an-end ( Henry 2001:07 ) . For lower categories wellness was valued in the sense that it allowed them to work and hold fiscal stableness ( Henry 2001:07 ) . This could be best described through the comparing of an upper category single exercise and eating healthy ( good wellness demands to be gained and maintained ) whereas the lower category person would see good wellness as merely doing it through the twenty-four hours peacefully without unneeded strains ( Henry 2001:07 ) . The last article we will be discoursing is that of Stacey, M. ( 1998 ) : The Plurality of Mending Systems in Tudor and Stuart England. In her survey Stacey researched category systems in the late 1970 s. In this epoch there was a clear category and gender division which had a major impact on wellness results. Peoples populating in the towns had a greater assortment of wellness attention than people populating in the countryside who were dependent on common people therapists ( Stacey 1998:39 ) . Well off people, who could pay, had a broad assortment of knowing physicians ( elect doctors ) although fees sometimes differ ( Stacey 1998:39 ) . The hapless were left to depend on cunning common people and assorted therapists go forthing them to a hapless diagnostic and intervention ( Stacey 1998:39 ) . Back in this epoch it is of import to besides observe gender division. Womans were left to run the families and hence had a greater duty of wellness care and Restoration for the whole household for the greatest sum of mending took topographic point at place ( Stacey 1998:39 ) . Here gender and category overlapped for lower category housewives all had similar accomplishments and cognition and therefore were dependent on upper category neighbors, for upper category homemakers had more cognition and accomplishments and hence ministered their poorer neighbors every bit good as their ain families ( Stacey 1998:39 ) .One can reason that over the old ages category has and will stay an of import factor in wellness results. ( Word count: 597 )Question 4: What societal factors influence and determine your determinations about wellness picksThere is a assortment of societal factors which influence my positions and determinations go arounding around wellness issues more specifically smoking. The first most of import fact I must edify you with, in order for you to understand my motives, is that I am a non-smoker. The first influence would be through societal establishments viz. household and faiths. Family and faith are the two chief facets which shapes an person into who they are. I was brought up in a conservative yet unfastened minded Christian family. My parents taught me it was incorrect to smoke and demo disrespect towards others, my faith Tells me, through the Ten Commandments, to esteem and obey my parents. These two societal establishments act as a signifier of societal control. My parents were fondly and my faith cost me no injury and therefore I had no demand to arise against them. The 2nd and most of import societal influence was my instruction. I have learned the undermentioned list of facts over the old ages. First baccy consists out of 4500 chemicals, the chief toxicants in baccy are ; a ) Cd ( auto batteries ) , B ) DDT ( insect powder ) , c ) H nitrile ( gas Chamberss ) , vitamin D ) methylbenzene ( industrial dissolver ) , e ) vinyl chloride ( plastics ) ( National Council Against Smoking ) . Tobacco besides consists out of 43 unknown carcinogens which are malignant neoplastic disease doing agents ( National Council Against Smoking ) . Smoking well increases the hazard of TB ( TB ) and decease ( National Council Against Smoking ) . Smoking besides causes the undermentioned diseases viz. : malignant neoplastic disease of the oral cavity, lingua, lip, nasal, salivary secretory organs, voice box and the lungs every bit good as sphacelus ; shots ; redness of the oculus and unnatural motions of the oculus ; cataracts and psoriasis ( National Council Against S moking ) . Another danger which is caused via smoke is second-hand fume. Second-hand fume consists out of 4000 chemicals where merely 250 are known and 50 % are known to do malignant neoplastic disease ( National Council Against Smoking ) . The most noteworthy chemicals are 1 ) arsenous anhydride ( a heavy metal toxin ) , 2 ) benzine ( a chemical found in gasolene ) , 3 ) Cd ( a metal used in batteries ) , 4 ) Cr ( a metallic component ) , 5 ) Ni ( a metallic component ) , 6 ) Po â€Å" 210 ( a chemical component that gives off radiation ) , 7 ) vinyl chloride ( a toxic substance used in plastics industry ) ( National Council Against Smoking ) . Second-smoke besides causes a assortment of unwellnesss under which is TB and a battalion of malignant neoplastic diseases ( National Council Against Smoking ) . The last influences are of a personal nature I am a terpsichorean ( concert dance and modern ) and as seen in the above mentioned smoking causes multiple wellness jobs. Dancing is my manner of loosen uping and maintaining fit and for that one needs a healthy organic structure. I besides suffer from asthma and smoke will merely decline my asthma and coerce me to halt the thing I love in life dance. In my household we are besides susceptible to malignant neoplastic disease and smoke doubles my opportunities of developing malignant neoplastic disease. The above mentioned can be associate to all wellness issues and non merely smoking [ Word count: 500 ]DecisionOne can clearly observe that through the eras category has remained an of import factor when act uponing wellness results. Another important determination is that all the assorted writers had the same position point affecting the lower and upper category differentiations. The lower categories viewed wellness as an mundane experience, where the upper categories viewed wellness as a end something to work towards, an purpose that needs to be achieved. Lower categories accounted for their smoke as an unmanageable desire and identified their wont most comfortably with negative facets. The upper categories viewed smoke as a witting act or determination and identified their wont most comfortably with positive facets. There were assorted similarities between the two groups but the most cardinal similarity was that both groups viewed smoke as a relaxation tool. Social factors, including societal establishments and societal control measurings, play an every bit of im port function as subscriber to get down or halt smoke every bit good as to wellness results. The last of import factor is that these surveies provided the grounds to turn out generalizations and pigeonholing incorrect till a certain grade.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Time Is Life
1."Time is life and life is time." Discuss the meaning of this statement. The word time can be used in at least three different ways. The one most referred to is clock time or chronological time. We organize our day around the geometry of clocks, which are synchronized to movements of the Sun. Another kind of time is real time. That is "matter- in- motion" or the sequence of events occurring in the real world. We use this type of time to answer questions such as "how long does it take...?". Subjective time is the only kind of time that we have a clear understanding of. Christian states that subjective time is "...our individual experience of the continuum of our consciousness". Meaning that time exists in our consciousness. In our consciousness, time is variable. Depending on certain physiological phenomena, our perception of time can "slow down" or "speed up" in relation to chronological time. When you are bored time seems to pass very slowly, but when you are active or enjoying yourself time flys by. But in actuality the same amount of clock time passes regardless of your perception of it. In the Western world we tend to objectify time and think of it as a medium in which objects/ events occur. We find it difficult to think of time apart from real world objects and events. Time and content are not the same. Time is the continuum of consciousness, without content. This implies that if there were no experiencers or conscious minds, there could be no time. This also implies that before life on earth existed there was no time, and, if life on earth were to cease to exist there would be no more time. One way that we tend to think of time is in the context of past, present, and future. The past only exists as it is re-created in our consciousness. Influences from the past can still exist in the present. The future is defined as the expectation that we will continue to experience "presents" and is the e... Free Essays on Time Is Life Free Essays on Time Is Life 1."Time is life and life is time." Discuss the meaning of this statement. The word time can be used in at least three different ways. The one most referred to is clock time or chronological time. We organize our day around the geometry of clocks, which are synchronized to movements of the Sun. Another kind of time is real time. That is "matter- in- motion" or the sequence of events occurring in the real world. We use this type of time to answer questions such as "how long does it take...?". Subjective time is the only kind of time that we have a clear understanding of. Christian states that subjective time is "...our individual experience of the continuum of our consciousness". Meaning that time exists in our consciousness. In our consciousness, time is variable. Depending on certain physiological phenomena, our perception of time can "slow down" or "speed up" in relation to chronological time. When you are bored time seems to pass very slowly, but when you are active or enjoying yourself time flys by. But in actuality the same amount of clock time passes regardless of your perception of it. In the Western world we tend to objectify time and think of it as a medium in which objects/ events occur. We find it difficult to think of time apart from real world objects and events. Time and content are not the same. Time is the continuum of consciousness, without content. This implies that if there were no experiencers or conscious minds, there could be no time. This also implies that before life on earth existed there was no time, and, if life on earth were to cease to exist there would be no more time. One way that we tend to think of time is in the context of past, present, and future. The past only exists as it is re-created in our consciousness. Influences from the past can still exist in the present. The future is defined as the expectation that we will continue to experience "presents" and is the e...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Vancouver Style Citation Guide Coming Soon!
Vancouver Style Citation Guide Coming Soon! Vancouver Style Citation Guide Coming Soon! Big news! Vancouver Style! We are excited to announce that will soon have a comprehensive citation guide for Vancouver style! We hope to have the guide ready to go by the start of this coming academic year.  In the mean time, you can use our Vancouver (author-date) or Vancouver (brackets, no â€Å"et al.†) automatic citation generators! Modern day Vancouver. (Image Courtesy of Darren Stone) What is Vancouver style? The Vancouver style is the style of choice for most biomedical journals and journals in other scientific fields.  It was conceived during a meeting in 1979, where medical journal editors convened in Vancouver, BC and decided on a standard citation style for the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Another name for Vancouver style is the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. The style is also based on the requirement’s of the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s guide to citing medicine.  If you’re a scientist, regardless of age, Vancouver is certainly an important style to know about.  The other most common referencing system used in medicine is the Harvard system- CiteThisForMe.com has a great guide for Harvard Referencing, if you want to learn more. Here is a sample citation for a standard journal article: Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin Exp Allergy. 2002 Apr;32(4):489-98. The general rule of thumb for mentioning a work in one’s scientific paper is that each cited piece of work that cited in the writer’s text is assigned a unique number, assigned by order of citation.  This number is used in bracket or superscript form whenever the paper references that particular resource. For more general information on the Vancouver system and the history of medical referencing, check out this Wikipedia article. As usual, please leave any feedback you have on the update or the site in general. We are constantly looking for ways to grow and improve and be as useful to the academic community as possible. Thanks for using !
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Coursework 1 Report Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Coursework 1 Report - Dissertation Example The online access of products offered by the departmental stores has brought the consumers closer to the industry. The internet activities in context to the Japanese department store SOGO is one such example. The Japanese style department store is a preferred destination of consumers for style oriented products that are desired by the customers (Wordie 183). SOGO is a preferred destination and one-stop shopping centre for customers who could have the pleasure of shopping in an ideal environment. Leveraging on its brand name built over the years and the quality of its goods and services, the company has introduced internet based activities which created a change in the behaviour of the customers. Based on the emerging demands of their customers, SOGO has designed future strategies for implementation. The future strategies are inclusion of a wide range of customers through its services like internet based marketing which enable e-commerce for the consumers and also allows the company t o increase its customer base. Organisation Background SOGO is a Japanese style department store that includes Hong Kong and China as its major areas of operation. The company was founded by Japan’s SOGO. The style department store is currently owned by the Lifestyle International Holdings which is controlled by the billionaire brothers Joseph Lau and Thomas Lau of Hong Kong. Japan’s style department store SOGO started its operations in the Causeway Bay in 1985 but renovated its store to become JUMBO SOGO in 1993. The company increased its floor area and expanded its operations but in 2000, the company declared bankruptcy due to the burden of debt of $17bn. It was then that Japan’s SOGO was acquired by the Hong Kong based Lau brothers. The second department store was launched by the Hong Kong based group in 2005. Chow Tai Fook Enterprises which is owned by Cheng Yu-teng also has a controlling stake in the style department store. The SOGO Hong Kong departmental st ore is listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 2004. The products offered the style department store are customised to suit the style requirements of its customers. The products sold the department store includes men’ and women shoes of different styles and fashion, watches of different categories for men and women, branded watches of various style statements, cosmetics and fragrances for both men and women, lingerie and underwear, etc. The departmental store also sells several food items of different tastes. The food items include the flavors of different region. The food items include delicious and specialised Vietnamese dishes and Italian food items. SOGO also publishes a weekly new magazine in which its advertises its foods and accessory items, products of daily use, handbags, cosmetics and other necessary things of different styles required for daily use. The departmental store holds a comprehensive range of products and goods that are customised to meet the style o f different segments of the customers. In order to advertise and promote its products and to spread its customer base, SOGO style departmental stor
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