Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Op-Ed Summary Free Essays
Rundown: Don’t Blame the Eater The Op-Ed piece, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater,†by David Zinczenko discusses the issue of weight in America and whose shortcoming it truly is, the eater or the individuals giving the food. His case regarding the matter is that it is the businesses flaw for the weight in America and not the people groups issue since finding an option in contrast to eating modest food in a hurry is almost inconceivable. He makes a case of himself directly in the third passage, clarifying how his mother needed to function extended periods of time to cover the tabs and his decisions for food were pizza cottage or KFC on the grounds that that was the main reasonable decision for him. We will compose a custom paper test on Commentary Summary or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now He likewise utilizes a ton of logos in the accompanying sections by referencing measurements on the matter of diabetes, and the measure of cash put into regarding it as the years progress. Destroying restricting contentions likewise plays a factor in Zinczenko’s paper when he asks the peruser â€Å"shouldn’t we know not to eat two dinners per day in drive-through joints? †He expresses this is one contention, however then makes the purpose of where are shoppers, especially young people, expected to discover options. He additionally presents the idea of not knowing any data on the food that we are expending, and the deceptive promoting in inexpensive food items where certain â€Å"healthy foods†are extremely simply covered by misdirecting serving sizes and absence of dressing and noodles and almonds for state a solid plate of mixed greens. I accept he summarizes his exposition by saying that the organizations ought to be sued for not having these admonition marks a similar way tobacco organizations are. Generally speaking it is their issue and not as crazy as it appears. Rundown: What You Eat Is Your Business â€Å"What You Eat Is Your Business,†is an Op-Ed piece on a similar subject yet from an alternate, and as I would like to think progressively pleasant, point of view. His case is practically inverse from Zinczenko’s in that he accepts that it is our duty to deal with our own bodies as opposed to the food businesses. He states it pleasantly when he makes reference to â€Å"bringing government among you and your waistline,†which is basically what Zinczenko contended for. He says how this is the incorrect method to battle corpulence, that as opposed to controlling what is accessible to us and how it is accessible to us, we ought to rather cultivate an awareness of other's expectations in our own wellbeing and prosperity. I think he is fundamentally saying that we are simply pointing fingers at what is our own flaws, and that when the administration represents â€Å"us,†they are just representing the open numbers as opposed to for the individuals themselves. Balko likewise makes reference to that by doing this, and having the legislature intercede, we have less motivation to really put down what is causing our respiratory failures. He utilizes ethos when he makes reference to names in New York Times magazines and specials on TV’s that argue for government intercession. What I preferred about this Op-Ed piece is that it bodes well and corpulence ought not be in the general wellbeing concern. After all it is just there in light of the fact that we need to pay for its outcomes. He gives his own stand and sticks solidly to it giving us what he thinks would be ideal. The insurance agencies should compensate sound ways of life and punish poor ones, not raise all our premiums on the grounds that the pace of respiratory failures are rising on the grounds that the administration is taking an inappropriate course. It is our duty to consume less calories, exercise, and stress over ourselves. Reaction to Both I think I remove an unmistakable most loved from the two papers. The subsequent one works for me better since I previously had a perspective on the subject. The first opinion piece says that it is the administrations shortcoming for giving such modest, obscure items that appear to be our solitary choice with regards to eating. I think this is a crazy contention. It unquestionably isn't our solitary decision in eating out that just seems like a reason to me. The individuals like the food, so they continue eating it as opposed to searching for another option, and afterward point fingers. Sure there is diabetes and a great deal of cash put into rewarding it, however at long last the foundation of the issue is those individuals gobbling those nourishments and afterward coming up with pardons for it. This is the reason I concur with the second exposition more. Individuals can say no, they can search for more advantageous food at similar costs. They can get the food they are eating, and take a gander at the sustenance realities, and take a gander at the serving sizes. Dislike you don’t see individuals living solid ways of life in the equivalent financially classes. You don’t need to savor pop, reality, water is free. Regardless of whether it were genuine that a few things didn't have healthful realities on them, don’t you think you shouldn’t eat it at that point, or regardless of whether that was the situation, can’t individuals utilize their sound judgment? Clearly the pail of seared chicken flickering in trans fat won't hurt your coronary corridor in any capacity. Truth be told, a lion's share of individuals nowadays have advanced mobile phones, they won’t waver to turn upward the closest McDonalds, however what about looking into some nourishing realities on it, or finding out about how to carry on with a solid way of life. Balko is correct, what you eat is your business, quit going to the administration and disclosing to them its their flaw they have to make you thin. No they don’t, you have to quit energizing McDonalds, quit letting them think its alright to serve fries that never ruin since you guarantee they are the best fries you’ve ever had. It is your obligation to abstain from food, and work out, and eat right, finding solid food isn't inconceivable, quit messing with yourselves. The most effective method to refer to Op-Ed Summary, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Developing country Essay Example for Free
Creating nation Essay Why we need to let our insight to another person obscure to us. Why we need to make our country into a question mark. Work for our country work for us let our group of people yet to come be a created country. We are positioning in a woodland place both in economy and in creating. So mind is our so why we need to deplete to other people. So get into it to work for our country. Jai rear. Rate this: +3 - 2 The idea of ‘brain drain’ is of an ongoing one that has ever unequivocally developed since the most recent couple of decades. The expression ‘brain drain’ alludes to the expanding inclination of the youthful, vigorous, fit and skilled young people of a nation to move to another nation looking for their fortune †rather better fortune. They spurn their country for they look for better open doors in different nations. This has gotten a trademark a greater amount of the scholarly people of the nationâ€the specialists, engineers, researchers, M.B.A’s, C.As, attorneys and different experts. Interest in training in a creating nation may not prompt quicker financial development if countless its profoundly taught individuals leave the nation. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) gauges that India loses $2 billion every year in light of the displacement of PC specialists to the U.S.[45] Indian understudies traveling to another country for their higher examinations costs India an outside trade surge of $10 billion every year. Our nation is continuously being denied of its scholarly limit. Mind channel is additionally viewed as a monetary expense, since migrants normally take with them the portion of estimation of their preparation supported by the administration. Our country, if this proceeds, will be rendered mentally devastated and inept. This, thus, is prompting an incredible loss of National riches. In any case, have we at any point thought of the purposes for such an incredible development of cerebrum outside the nation? Like consistently, we like to harp upon the issues as opposed to discover an answer. For what reason does India, an extraordinary and tyrannical country in Asia, need to face such a grave and significant issue? For what reason is our childhood appealed by the more bizarre glades and skylines? For what reason do they want to try sincerely and be straightforward there, rather than here?The first response to this issue is that we have.. no designs to come back to India. The reasons aren’t difficult to comprehend: an abundantly paying activity in an incredible expert condition. Be that as it may, Bandyopadhya, isn’t alone who has chosen to remain back in the US. Truth be told, he is only one among 94.8 percent of Indians who concentrate abroad to gain doctorates in science, building, and wellbeing and don’t get back as indicated by an exploration study discharged in October 2012 by Wan-Ying Chang and Lynn M. Milan of the National Science Foundation. The investigation, on the off chance that anything, is most recent proof that ‘brain drain’ isn’t stemming, something over which our policymakers must consider on the event of ‘National Science Day’. In 2010, India with an expected supply of 11.4 million displaced people was just second to Mexico (11.9 million) as a wellspring of outsiders, as indicated by an examination paper, ‘Indian Human Resources Mobility: Brain channel versus Brain gain’ distributed in 2012. India and the Philippines gracefully most remote prepared specialists and attendants to the English-talking nations inside The Organization for Economic Co-activity and Development (OECD). Refering to absence of development openings in the nation, Dr. Sudeshna Mitra, right hand teacher at IIT Kharagpur focuses, â€Å"It is genuine that a great deal of progress has been made at the foundation level in the course of recent years yet on the off chance that we contrast it and the created nations of the world, it is as yet not sufficient, subsequently it will be extremely troublesome on our part to stop driven individuals leaving the country.†Mind channel works both inside and outside the nation. Dr. Arvind Agrawal, educator at Department of Sociology, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, says, â€Å"There are two sorts of mind channel going on in the nation. The first is the inward and the second is the outside. Undoubtedly, it is for the most part kept to the states. A state like Rajasthan which has shockingly a rundown of numerous great schools however needs great English medium universities, consequently understudies in the wake of finishing their school training move out to huge urban areas and eventually get settled there.†Both interior and outside mind channel point to absence of chances. â€Å"External mind channel is characterized as one when understudies move out of the nation for advanced education and settle there permanently,†further clarifies Dr. Agrawal.As per the Thomson Reuters Report 2012, India’s share in worldwide research yield is about 3.5 percent. India’s biggest worldwide portion of distributions was in the field of Chemistry (6.5 percent) trailed by Materials Science (6.4 percent), Agricultural Sciences (6.2 percent), Pharmacology Toxicology (6.1 percent) while the relative offer in the field of Physics and Engineering was 4.6 percent and 4.2 percent individually. One of the most influenced areas is hereditary building and biotechnology which adapts to deficiencies of junior staff, as roughly 90 percent of post-graduates in this field go to the US after culmination of their examinations in India. The nature of a nation’s advanced education vests in the innovative work, which in India’s case likewise is a region of concern and a main consideration for cerebrum channel. Agreeing with the abovementioned, S. R. Ahlawat, teacher at Department of Sociology, M.D University, says, â€Å"We have not had the option to give the correct sort of research condition where the understudies can truly add to improve their knowledge.†India with 68,000 understudies in 2009 represented the biggest number of remote understudies in the region of Science and Engineering in United States, trailed by China with 54 000 understudies as indicated by the ‘Indian Human Resources Mobility: Brain channel versus Brain gain’ look into paper. â€Å"Developed nations give great condition and simple openness to personal satisfaction which incites individuals to get settled there permanently,†cautions Ahlawat at M.D University. Indian Universities have overall neglected to figure in the rundown of top 200 instructive establishments of the world as indicated by the QS World University Rankings for 2012. The Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) rankings †the most rumored worldwide rankings of establishments for advanced education had highlighted IIT-Bombay in 2010 which was positioned 187, however dropped to 227 out of 2012. Featuring the answers for conquer the situation, Dr. Agrawal at Central University of Himachal Pradesh, says, â€Å"Most of the state colleges are run on political obstruction which goes about as a prevention in the development of these establishments, consequently it is a high time that there ought to be a similarity to request and development and the prime center ought to be to advance essential and major research to spare the quality.â€
Monday, August 10, 2020
Food What
Food What Before I get to an actual point in my next post, let me say this: I just cooked large amounts of angel hair pasta with ground beef in black bean and garlic sauce. It is amazing. It will last me a week, because I lack the ability to cook food in small amounts and nearly all of my friends are vegetarians. Now check this out: six months ago, I couldnt cook to save my life. I was dead set on living in a dorm with a dining hall solely because I was really just that bad in the kitchen. Well, I was extremely talented at setting things afire, but that doesnt count. (No, not everything can be considered food by adding the term flambé to the end of it. But its black beans and rice flambé, Mom! didnt work. Surprised? I was.) Im not quite sure what happened between now and May, but suddenly I can cook things that are actually edible! Who needs a dining hall when I can go to my floor kitchen or, better yet, when I can call Sicilias and order pizza? (What?! Its the staple of the college student, save for ramen.) Speaking of dining halls at MIT, Baker, McCormick, Simmons, and Next all have them, and Pritchett Dining is right next to East Campus and down the street from Senior House. There are talks about putting Macgregors dining hall back into operation every week since the start of October, trial runs have been occurring in the dorm to see whether or not the plan should go forward. You dont have to live in one of these residence halls in order to eat there (which is good, because their desserts are pretty great), but if you do live in any of them, youre automatically enrolled in MITs Preferred Dining Program you pay a set price ($275 this semester) at the start of the term, entitling you to half-price on anything bought at any dining hall. Translation: a full meal will set you back about $5. You do, however, have to eat at the dining halls pretty often (about 50-60 meals/term should do it) in order to break even or benefit from Preferred Dining. So. Yes. Food. Good. Now go look at my next post, where I give you too much information about too many summer programs!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The M Records, Inc. V. Napster - 1439 Words
The purpose of the copyright system has always been to promote creativity in society and protect the creators’ interests. In applying copyright laws to any creation, three basic guidelines apply. First is the fair return for a creators labor, second is â€Å"Fair Use†of the creators’ labor and finally the Progress of Science and useful Arts to further the public good. The application of these three guidelines in litigation for AM Records, Inc. v. Napster, found that the rights of reproduction, and distribution had been violated, in effect upholding the copyrights of nineteen different music companies represented under AM Records name, this ruling had protected the music industries interests. However it would seem that the publishing industry would not be so lucky, litigation in Authors’ Guild vs. Google ruled that Google’s actions constituted fair use. Under these two scenarios’ the copyright laws’ have, effectively, protected the ri ghts of music artists’, protected the public’s right to â€Å"fair use†and sparked new opportunities for creative growth. However, lawmakers continue to struggle to define copyright boundaries between the public’s right of use and the creators right to profit from their efforts. Purpose of Copyright One needs to have a basic understanding of the purpose behind copyright laws as the founding fathers had intended. As stated in the â€Å"Constitution. Article I, section 8, clause 8 of the United States Constitution provides that Congress shall have theShow MoreRelatedThe Napster and Grokster Cases: Differences and Similarities891 Words  | 4 Pagesdebates – peer-to-peer piracy – file sharing. Internet companies such as Napster and Grokster became involved in notable legal cases in regards to copyright laws in cyberspace. These two cases are similar in nature, yet decidedly different. In order to understand the differences and similarities, one should have an understanding of each case as well as the court’s ruling. According to the text A Gift of Fire, Napster â€Å"opened on the Web in 1999 as a service that allowed its users to copy songsRead MoreA M Records Vs. Napster1001 Words  | 5 PagesAM Records v. Napster is a landmark case in which the application of intellectual property laws has forever impacted contemporary culture with regards to digital works. The legal issues and applicable laws presented in the instant case resulted in a holding, which set forth a precedent that has influence the mode and means of digital works distribution. The outcome of Napster affects both businesses and individuals. Napster, a free online file sharing network, allowed peers to share digital filesRead MoreA M Records Vs. Napster Essay978 Words  | 4 PagesAM Records v. Napster is a landmark case in which the application of intellectual property laws has forever impacted contemporary culture with regards to digital works. The legal issues and applicable laws presented in the instant case resulted in a holding, which set forth a precedent that has influence the mode and means of digital works distribution. The outcome of Napster affects both businesses and individuals. Napster, a free online file sharing network, allowed peers to share digital filesRead MoreCopyright And Public Domain Within The Entertainment Industry907 Words  | 4 Pagessectors of television and film to render profitable returns. The case of AM Records Inc. v. Napster Inc., record companies brought infringement action against Napster for the unfair use of copyrighted work and harmed the potentiality of music within the market (239 F3d 1004, 2001). With the burgeoning of the internet age, musicians and artists were faced with the threat of in home piracy, via file sharing programs like Napster, or Grokster. There are claims made suggesting that copyright is a directRead MoreFile Sharing : Copyright For Information Professionals2266 Words  | 10 Pagesproperty. In 1999 a 19-year-old college student co-founded a small file-sharing service that quickly grew and led to a landmark copyright infringement case. Napster, Inc. was a free service that focused mainly on audio files and allowed users to upload and share their files with others. Although similar services existed at the time, Napster was considered more user-friendly and quickly gained widespread notoriety after huge numbers of users began to upload and share MP3 files. This was the firstRead MoreEssay on Intellectual Property in the Age of the Internet1683 Words  | 7 Pagesexponentially when Shawn Fanning created the software for Napster in 1999. It was estimated by the US Congress that peer-to-peer file sharing, increased 600,000,000 times because of Napster-type programs (H.R.4077, p.1). The losses felt both by the Music Industry and the individual artists, such as Metalica are undeniable. Napster was eventually shut down after residing Judge Marilyn Patel, in Napster v. AM R ecords, exclaimed that Napster was à ¬engaging in, or facilitating others in, copying, downloadingRead More Copyrights in the Music Industry Essay examples2359 Words  | 10 Pagesproblem compared to Napster and Peer-to-peer networking (P2P). Napster was a web operated site with free software that enabled users to copy and transfer MP3 files via internet. (Miller R. J., 2011, p. 128) Peer-to-peer or P2P was sharing of resources (such as files, hard drives, and processing styles) among multiple computers without the need for a central network server. Napster was allowing users who downloaded the free software to illegally download artist music. Napster was eventually chargedRead MoreThe Issue Of First Amendment Law2539 Words  | 11 Pagesof English printers and booksellers known as the Stationers’ Company (Moser Slay, 2012, p.15). When the revised version of this act was passed in 1557 requiring that all written works had to be registered with the Stationers’ C ompany in order to record who owned the copy right, it became clear that the Stationers’ Company was essentially a monopoly because they also had the right to find and destroy any works that were offensive. â€Å"This precursor to copyright was therefore a means of censorship ratherRead MoreCopyright Law And Its Effects On The World Of Art2229 Words  | 9 Pagesof art h) Reproductions of a work of art i) Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character j) Photographs k) Prints and pictorial illustrations including prints or labels used for articles or merchandise l) Motion-picture photoplays m) Motion-pictures other than photoplays n) sound recordings. (D) The list above is a wide range of works of art that can be copyrighted and this list has stayed true to today’s works from artists, authors and the like. Anything created by an â€Å"author†Read More The Digitial Millenium Copyright Act Essay3311 Words  | 14 Pagesinformation. The bottom line is that the objective of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is to prohibit all Internet users from accessing copyrighted materials on the Internet. The most renowned case where this is currently happening is AM Records, Inc v. Napster Inc (Downing 2). The reason the DMCA creates such controversy is that many people believe that the Act puts all of the control into the creator’s hands, which, in truth, is not a balance at all. However, one cannot blame this lack of balance
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Anorexia - 1456 Words
According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, there are over 24 Million people that suffer from eating disorders. What is an eating disorder though? The simple definition of this disease is that a person exhibits abnormal eating behaviors. There are many different variations to these disorders but they share many of the same characteristics such as: fear of becoming obese, obsession with thinness, food, weight, and even calorie counting. Of the many cases though what is the main cause of this disease? Can it be psychological, an environmental, or a biological factor? In this paper I will explore some of the reasons why people develop eating disorders and how it all factors into a†¦show more content†¦The three main symptoms are an excessive amount of intake of food accompanied by self-induced vomiting, fasting and/or obsessive or compulsive exercise, and extreme concern with body weight and shape. The recurrent binge-and-purge cycl es can damage the entire digestive system and can lead to electrolyte and chemical imbalances in the body that affect the heart and other major organ functions. Some health consequences of bulimia nervosa are irregular heartbeats, possibly heart failure and death, inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting, tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released, irregular bowel movements and constipation. People struggling with bulimia nervosa usually appear to be of average body weight (National). Physical appearance is not the only issue that this disease faces in people. They also face problems with psychological, environmental and biological issues in life. Since there is no clear way to tell which of these factors is the culprit of causing eating disorders, each factor needs to be looked at. Environmental factors is plays one of the biggest roles in eating disorders. As a society, we are taught that looks matter. So what makes a person associate th inness with beauty? Many people are believing that the media has much to do with how people view themselves. The media has promoted the image of thinness through magazines, advertisement, and televisionShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Anorexia And Anorexia Nervosa1148 Words  | 5 PagesAnorexia is a severe eating disorder which is generally characterized by severe weight loss and life threatening dieting these then results in malnourishment (Anorexia Nervosa , 2015). Bulimia and Anorexia are known to be the two most largely known eating disorders that are very serious and affect many teenagers. 95% of people suffering with anorexia are known to be girls however there’s an average 5% of males that suffer from this mental illness. Anorexia is when the brain goes into over drive toRead MoreAnorexia Nervos Symptoms, And Treatment Of Anorexia1076 Words  | 5 PagesAnorexia Nervosa. University of Maryland Medical Center, U of Maryland Medical Center, 23 Apr. 2015. Accessed 2 0 Apr. 2017. The article, Anorexia Nervosa, examines the background information, symptoms, and treatment of anorexia. Anorexia is defined as a disease in which a person starves themselves and exercises excessively in order to lose weight. In addition, as the person continues to lose weight, they have a distorted body image and perceives themselves as fat. In other words, the personRead MoreEssay on Anorexia1228 Words  | 5 Pages quot;Anorexia Nervosaquot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bizarre, devastating, and baffling are three words that describe the anorexia nervosa disease. By definition, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a normal-weight person diets and becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continue to starve themselves. The term quot;anorexia nervosaquot; literally means nervous lose of appetite. People with the disorder are suppressing a strong desire to eat, because they areRead MoreAnorexia in Teens1178 Words  | 5 Pagesattractive would start to starve them self to become that skinny or what is known in the psychology world as anorexia. Anorexia is a big deal in the United States, a lot of young people are starting to starve them self just to become skinny. This isn’t only because they want to look like that model, or just want to skinny. Anorexia can come from other places in a person’s life. Anorexia came to be from seeing a few of my friends not eat, just because they wanted to be skinny, also I found a newRead More Anorexia Essay658 Words  | 3 Pages The Causes and Effects of Anorexia nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When I think of anorexia, a few things come to mind. I think of really bad episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 and Baywatch in which females, ususally teenagers, starve themselves and take diet pills. The eating problem is always resolved within the timespan of one 30 minute episode. From the research Ive done thus far on anorexia, I now know that this is a very unrealistic representation of what is actually a very serious disease.Read MoreEssay on Anorexia785 Words  | 4 Pages Anorexia Nervosa Have you ever felt fat or self-conscious about the way you looked? These are questions that we may ask ourselves everyday, but anorexics ask themselves these questions every minute of everyday. Questions like this haunt an anorexic’s conscience and ruin the way she/he perceives herself/himself. Anorexia is a very dangerous mental illness because it has many life- threatening effects. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Anorexia is not a choice to be madeRead More Anorexia Essay3393 Words  | 14 PagesAnorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, one who avoids food for psychological reasons. Most experts believe that those who suffer from anorexia are starving themselves to avoid growing into adults. It is also common knowledge among these experts that anorexics want to gain attention and a sense of being special. People say that anorexia doesnt stop at affecting the victim at hand; instead, it surpasses the anorexic. Which means that anorexia affects the personalityRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa1947 Words  | 8 Pagessome people who do. If we were to look the world as a whole, we would realize that from every 100 teenage girls, 1 to 5 suffers from Anorexia(EDV). As defined by the National Eating Disorders Association, â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.†(NEDA). The term â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa†literally means â€Å"neurotic loss of appetite†, and could be more generally defined as the result of a prolonged self-starvationRead MoreAnorexia And Anorexia Are Often Confused Amongst Humans1956 Words  | 8 PagesBulimia and Anorexia are often confused amongst humans. Bulimic people may have many reasoning’s that support their causes for binging, and anorexic people also have reasoning’s that illustrate their causations of being anorexic. Appearance and self-esteem may play a major role towards people who may binge often, and people who are anorexic may just have a fear to eat based on their body figures. However, many confuse the two due to the similar meanings of body weight. This paper will analyze obs ervationsRead MoreAnorexia Nervos A Psychological And Physical Causes And Consequences Of Anorexia930 Words  | 4 Pagespeople with anorexia are related to at least one person with the disorder. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder with mainly adolescent victims. Different studies have been able to identify some of the psychological and physical causes and consequences of anorexia. Many people dismiss anorexia nervosa as a short-lived adolescent disorder, but most do not realize the disease’s long-lasting implications on health and how crucial it is to seek treatment. The UMMC (2016) defines anorexia nervosa as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Are the Key Ideas Behind the Risk Thesis Free Essays
Undoubtedly, insecurity, fear and risk have come to dominate more mundane aspects of our everyday life. Social policy theorists, such as Paul Johnson defines social risk as ‘The probability weighted uncertainty that derives from the changing and dynamic world in which people lives. ’(quoted in Alcock et al. We will write a custom essay sample on What Are the Key Ideas Behind the Risk Thesis or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2008:21). In the following essay the concept of ‘risk society’ will be explored even further in order to examine the key ideas of the risk thesis and how those relate to social policy and the welfare state. After some light has been shed on historical notions of risk, the focus of the essay will move to a contemporary society. Here it can be clearly seen to what extent risks have evolved in relation to the times we live in and this will be especially explored in the terms of individualization, unemployment, health, terrorism and environmental concerns. Risks theorists have outlined three main discourses in European thought upon risk. According to Giddens (1999), all previous cultures were characterized by Pre-Renaissance thoughts. It can be argued that risks were seen as the products of fate, destiny and will of the gods. However, nowadays the idea of risk is strongly linked to modernity, defined by authors such as Beck and Giddens as ‘the process and institutions of industrialization. (quoted in Kemshall 2002:4). As a result of modernization, there are not only ‘external risks’, coming from the impact of nature upon us, but also ‘manufactures risks’ which are products of human activity, for instance environmental risks or even social ones because our personal futures are increasingly open and therefore, it is possible for individuals to assess the calculability of risk taken. On the other hand, it can be suggested that post- modernity has challenge the ‘myth of calculability’, because as Giddens states: ‘post- modernity offers little help as to which options should be selected. (quoted in Kemshall 2002: 5). Sociologists such as Beck and Giddens clearly examine the fact that the movement form pre-modern societies to modernity and late modernity have lead to greater uncertainties in our contemporary society such as poverty, unemployment and ecological disasters. Undoubtedly we live in a ‘risk society’. Beck (1992) argues that the successful development of technology helps us to produce enough to meet people’s essential needs, however it creates a ‘boomerang affect’ because as Beck points out technology and science create more problems than simply solving them. It can be argued that those who benefits form production and consumption suffer its consequences. To support his theory, Beck provides us with many emperical evidences which illustrate the problem of risk society. It is true that thanks to development in agriculture, the rich countries no longer have problems with shortage food, but the plentiful supply of processed food has created consequences of health problems such as obesity. Similarly, atomic energy helps to produce energy supplies but it creates serious health risk because of nuclear waste and accidents such as those more recently (oil spill in America) and those in the past (Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster). Particularly, Beck outlines the fact that those disasters are global concerns, rather than local and affect all people, regardless of age or class, because you cannot protect yourself against them by having a high income. In the term of unemployment, Beck also argues that it affects all classes. For example the financial crisis of United Kingdom in 2007-2010 affected not only working class but also middle class people. Therefore social inequality is individualized because people experience risk as individuals rather than a members of a particular class. Drawing upon ideas of Beck and Giddens, Nettleton and Burrows (1998) argues that increased risks in our contemporary societies made individuals to be more ‘encouraged to make life-style choices and life-planning decisions. ’(cited in Kemshall 2002:43. For example, education become increasing important is shaping our future as we know that by having high qualification there is more opportunity to have better- paid job. The increasing of consumerism in our societies made people to pay more attention to money as it provided higher standards of living. The fact that there are more uncertainties in employment and even higher educated people struggle to find jobs, it is necessary for people to move out and thus, geographical mobility allows individuals to move form jobs to jobs on global scale. Therefore, people experience this as individuals rather than members of class. Nettleton and Burrows also argue that those uncertainties in employment which create fear f losing a job and consequences of living in bad conditions, led people to be more aware of the future and secure themselves in the fulfilment of their basic needs by investing money, creating saving accounts and paying private insurances. However is it true that all classes are able to afford it? Nevertheless, people experience the environmental risk to the same extent but it doesn’t mean that the notion of class is less unimportant in the risk society thesis. Beck wrongly assumes that there is the decline of class, because class differences still continue to affect life expectancy and people experiences unemployment in different ways. For example, it is obvious that people who have higher status within society can afford better life and even of they are about to lose a job, their better qualification give them an opportunity to find a job much more quicker than lower status person. It can also be argued that the development of the technology has a result in declining of manufacturing industry which was the basis of working class identities and it has left them struggling to find new job in the face of high unemployment. Moreover, working class people are more at disadvantage because as a result of cultural and material deprivation, they do not have an opportunity to do better at education and thus gain better qualification and pursuit themselves in the job career perspectives. Colin Gill (1985) argues that technological and scientific change and deindustrialization ‘threatens to reduce in the workforce in numerous occupations’ such as warehouse workers, postal staff or mineworkers. Karl Marx (1978) also argues that working class are more likely to be unemployment as a result of capitalists system. Sociologists argue that the risk of unemployment and the effect of unemployment affect both society and personal feelings. Sinfield (1981) argues that unemployment ‘devalues or debates the standard or quality of life in society’. (gouted in Haralambos 2004: 670). He (1981) argues that high unemployment reduced the chance of equality of opportunity being achieved and people feel less secure and may have their standards of living threatened. The other social effects relate to lack of sense of identity of people who lose their jobs, sense of obligatory activates that works provides, lack of a sense of purpose and freedom and control outside work creates the possibility of engaging time leisure activities that are costly. On the other hand, the personal effects of unemployment affect health and financial income. Some argues people’s health is more affected by unemployment because the statistics show that unemployment men have higher death rates compared to employment ones. People also experience greater risk of depression and stress, which has a result in many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attacks or cancer caused by smoking. Loss of financial income means that people live in bad conditions. Council’s houses are often small and located in marginalized districts. People are more likely to be at risk of poverty which affects both material and cultural deprivation. For example, recent Government figures show that children form low income families are more likely to eat less fruits than their counterparts. Overall, unemployment restricts people’s possibilities to secure the basic needs such as food, good housing or health treatments. However the successful use of National Health Service over the last 50 years, adapt the needs of health care to demographic changes. NHS provide people with free access to health care, but people with better income status are able to afford private medical insurance and use the private sectors which provide more effective health services. As Clark et al points out, ‘this has been paralleled by a ‘result culture†¦. Consumer choice and right have also contributed to public expectations, in the terms not only of access of treatment, but also of its timeliness and excellence. ’ (quoted in Kemshall 2002:55). Thos all evidences prove the fact that Beck’s theory based on the idea of decline of class in the contemporary society, is invalid. As we see people experience the risk in different ways as some of them are affected most than others. Particularly, lower income people are at greater risk of poverty due to unemployment. Now the purpose of the essay needs to move one to the idea of social policy as social risk management. Looking at the historical notion of social policy as risk management the 18th and 19th century Britain have introduced many policies to cope with risk, for example, the introduction of compulsory elementary schools for children of all classes in 1880, self-help organizations (saving banks) and Charity Organization Society or the Poor Law. Jordan (1998) argues that the new politics of welfare: ‘Third Way’, ‘emphasizes equality of opportunity rather than outcome and rights to education and training rather than benefits†¦. It provides for ‘genuine’ needs to be met, with far stricter testing for the authenticity if the claims from unemployment and disability. ’ (quoted in Kemshall 2002:32) According to Jordan (1998), this new politics of welfare state is increasingly associated with ‘New Labour ‘and Blair. The new programme of Third Way is based on key factors such as social justice, social responsibility and obligations, the labour market as a mechanism for achieving social justice and based on reward for merit and an emphasis upon meritocracy. Thus, as Kemshall (2002 :37) argues ‘social policy reform and programmes are now pursued through the labour market and the social engineering of ‘opportunities’ to contribute [through] education and workplace. Social investment in human capital is viewed as more economically productive and efficient that retrospective alleviation of individuals need through a state benefits system. ’ The Labour government introduced a number of new designed policies which are based on the idea of encouraging unemployment back into works. It was done through the introduction of New Deal scheme which was based ‘Gateway’ advice, where young unemployment people have been offered four options (for example, full time education or employment in voluntary sectors). If people refused them, they lost the right to benefits. The introduction of minimum wage and Job Seeker Allowance was also to encourage people to back to work. As Kemshall (2002: 37) states ‘a social policy of ‘Third Way’ actively [promoted] risk taking and a positive attitude to risk has gained currency, and is advocated as the most effective response to the dilemmas of ‘risk society’. However Keefe and Hordley (2002) pointed out that ‘whether Labour policies will succeed in continuing to keep unemployment low remain to be seen. Levels of unemployment were beginning to creep up again by 2003. (quoted in Haralambos 2004:669). Similarly Giddnes argues that the welfare state is ill equipped to meet the risks set by economic globalization and a needs centred welfare state is based upon the pooling risk, rather than the pooling of resources. According to Giddens there is still much focus on benefits and the dependency of ‘need culture’ is seen as a barrier to economic flexibility. The purpose of the essay was to identify the key idea of the risk thesis and how those relate to social policy. Considering both historical and contemporary perspectives on ‘risk society’ we can clearly see the patter of changes of the notion of risk over the time. The work of the sociologists such as Beck and Giddens helps us to understand the difference between ‘external’ and ‘manufactures’ risk as well as they outline the argument that risk is more associated with modernity and late modernity. The essay is based of the idea of risk which is due to individualization and unemployment. Undoubtedly, our contemporary societies are less stable so the fear of unemployment dominates our lives as it affects our standards of living. However risk society thesis are criticised on several ground, such as those of Beck as his theory fails to recognize the fact that people are differently exposed to modernization risk. Beck fails to recognize the relationships between risk distribution, conflict and inequality, by wrongly assuming that individuals as equally concerned by risk. As Taylor Gooby states ‘Membership of the working class is associated with a much higher risk of fall in living standards and also ‘The risk society is class ideology masquerading as social theory: It serves the interests of those already privileged in a more flexible society by obscuring the needs and aspirations of the more vulnerable who already bear most of the burdens of social change’. Taylor-Gooby, 1999). Form my point of view; the concept of risk is relevant to social policy, because policies are regarded as risk management. It can be clearly seen in the historical outline and new politics of ‘Third Way’ programme as it demonstrated us how social policies try to tackle the unemployment. However the description of contemporary society by Beck and Giddens left us to critically question some certain aspect and the theory should reflect the ‘idealistic’ rather than ‘materialistic’ nature of the concept of risk. How to cite What Are the Key Ideas Behind the Risk Thesis, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Investment Decision Standard Chartered
Question: Discuss about theInvestment Decisionfor Standard Chartered. Answer: Introduction The title of the report is Investment decision. Investment plays very significant role in the life of not the individuals only but also dusting the life time of the company. Most of the companies end up with liquidation due to improper decision about the projects in which the amounts have been invested. The same situation happens with the individuals. Individuals, being a salaried employee, always strive to save some amount from the salary income and invest in the better options so as to secure the future. Therefore, whether it is company or whether it is individual, investment plays very important role for saving the current and future position of life. This report has been prepared to go through the study of financial position of Priscilla Cher, who being a salaried employee and belonging to rich family, ends up with the huge obligation containing the interest component and other consumable used for luxurious living. The report has started with discussing the highest common factor which has caused such situation of the client. Thereafter, traits of Priscilla Cher have discussed regarding the effects of the current standard of living on future investment decision. Then ways have been identified as to build the net assets and at the last report has ended up with the conclusion and recommendation on the suitable investment portfolio. Know You Client Know Your Client is the phrase which has nowadays been common for every customer dealing with the banks, financial institutions and lending institutions. Know your client refers to the procedure whereby the service provider obtains all the necessary information about the client or customer to whom he or she is going to serve in the near future. The information shall be obtained before starting the service. It is necessary because without knowing the details of the client one cannot answer their questions or serve them in the efficient manner (HSBC, 2016, Standard Chartered, 2016 and Prime Financial Planners, 2016). Secondly, the details or information shall be obtained using the HCF Model. HCF models denote the factor which is highest common in the particular case. It means the information shall be obtained taking in consideration the profile of the customer and that too with the customer prevailing position and how many factors prevails. In the given case, Priscilla Cher, being a se nior wealth manager, lavishly spends for her life. To start with the Know your client procedure, at first the common pattern of the financial performance of her is checked. How much has been the earning pattern and how much has been the expending pattern over the period. Earning pattern is defined by the income sources like Salary, Interest on fixed deposits or Dividend earned from any sort on investment, etc. Expenditure pattern is defined by the applications of the funds on operating the life like food and shelter and finance activities like interest paid on borrowing and repayment of loan. After understanding the earning and expenditure pattern, next information that is required is the requirements of Priscilla Cher as to what should be future pattern of the income and expenditure. Behavioral Traits Impacting Future Investment Decision Behavior is referred as the deployment of an individual towards any kind of activity. Behavioral finance is referred to as the area of finance where the individual decision about the investment and the results of the same depends upon the structure of market information and the traits of the individuals participating in the investment structure. It means the behavioral finance is related to the psychology of individual participants which is further required to explain the market results and outcomes (Sewell,2005). According to behavior concept of finance, there are three concepts which depict the traits of individuals. First is confirmation bias. In this, individual gives more attention to the information which stands along with the opinion or prediction framed by them for any particular market condition or situation or proposed market condition. This perception is very hard for anyone to shake as the individual will ignore the rest of the things and will concentrate only on the info rmation that will support their thoughts. Second major concept is Hindsight bias. This is very dangerous one and is referred as major factor leading to more ones overconfidence. In this the individual have faith that the event that has already been happened was predictable and almost positive to happen but in fact the event in any case could not be possibly predicted. The last concept is avoiding confirmation bias. It is opposite to confirmation bias concept and reveals that no one can be refrained from doing something in spite of the fact that he or she knows that fact. So to overcome such kind of situation one dissented person shall be identified who can explain the reason for not doing something. As per the case study, Priscilla Cher behaves in confirmation bias model. She relies on that information only which supports her opinion or thought. It is because she belongs to rich family and has perception that she should spend on her living on the basis of luxurious standards and she cannot bear another opinion which does not supports her thought. Thus, she has irrelevant behavioral trait. Ways To Build Net Assets And Financial Position Being a behavioral confirmation biased individual, its very difficult to change her lifestyle. She cannot change particular life style overnight. In order to build net assets, improve the ratio of expenditure to income tax pattern and to improve the balance sheet, she shall perform the following: At first, she should repay the obligation of $45000 to the bank immediately. The amount pertains to the platinum credit card accounts obtained from the bank. It should be repaid because this obligation carries interest rate which keeps on accumulating on nonpayment of the amount outstanding on the due date. Also, in case individual fails to pay the obligation within the due date then the penalty amount is also added which in turn may decrease the borrowing score of individual in the eyes of the bank. Secondly, she should opt for other means of transport on ad hoc basis like metro or cabs. It is because Mercedes car, owned by Priscilla Cher, is conveyance which consumes petrol like water and usually costs too much. By opting another mode of transport the life style will automatically changed will in turn reduce the cost of transportation. Thirdly, she shall avoid her nigh out plans at the maximum and shall prefer to go for once in a month. It is because going for night out not only changes the life style but also changes the perception and thought of the people. By doing so she can save $4000 per month which counts for 26.67 percent of the monthly salary. Fourthly, she should buy a house according to its living condition or less than that. It is because it is better to buy a house on loan from the bank or any other financial institution rather than paying the rent to the landlord. Fifthly, after considering all the steps, next step is to build such an investment portfolio which can give better returns in the current as well as the future. Suitable Investment Portfolio Investment portfolio consists of the mixture of investments which can be considered so as to invest the spare amount ready with the individual and earn the interest. In the given case, Priscilla Cher shall consider the following options: Equity Shares She should invest some amount in the equity shares of the company listed in Singapore Stock Exchange. The benefit will accrue in the mode of the dividend both final and interim. The selection shall be made by considering the company details like how much the company has earned, how much earning per share they are offering to their shareholders and history of the company and dividend payout ratio of the last three years. She can invest in Woolworths Limited, Wesfarmers Limited, Home Depot, etc. Derivatives Second best option within which she can invest is the derivative. Derivative is defined as the security which derives its value from the underlying asset like shares. It gives the right to purchase or sell the instrument at given point of time. Insurance and Medical Policies She should invest some amount for insuring her life and the medical expenses. This will also help her to have tax benefits while paying the Income Tax to the Government. Conclusion and Recommendation Investment is treated as the backbone of every individual to earn something out of the spare money. The whole case study of Priscilla Cher has been detailed in this report. The income pattern and expenditure pattern have been discussed and the ways to reduce the same has been discussed in detail. Thereafter, the investment portfolio has been prepared and described in detail. Thus, in order to conclude the report, Priscilla Cher shall consider the entire investment portfolio described so as to improve the balance sheet and income and expenditure pattern. Our recommendation is to opt for all the three investment portfolios namely equity shares, derivatives and the insurance and medical policies. The investment shall be made in part so that the effective and efficient portfolio shall be build so as to give better return. The major reason is that it will avoid the over expanding nature of Priscilla Cher. References HSBC, (2016), Know your Customer (KYC), available at https://www.assetmanagement.hsbc.com/in/mutual-funds/kyc.html accessed on 08/02/2017. Standard Chartered, (2016), Know your Customer, available at https://www.sc.com/in/important-information/kyc.html accessed on 08/02/02017. Prime Financial Planners, (2016), Know your Client (KYC), available at https://www.primefp.in/kyc.htm accessed on 09/02/2017. Sewell M, (2005), Behavioural Finanace, available at https://introduction.behaviouralfinance.net/ accessed on 09/02/2017. Sewell M, (2010), Behavioural Finanace, available at https://www.behaviouralfinance.net/behavioural-finance.pdf accessed on 09/02/2017
Monday, March 23, 2020
Waleed Allohaibi Essays - Protestantism, Christianity,
Waleed Allohaibi German Church of Missouri 10 May 2017 German Church in Missouri According to many people church is simply a building booked for the worship of Allah. Biblical understanding of church is much different. It's derived from the Greek work ekklesia that means assembly or collection of different things. We can't say here we get together for worship only it increases cooperation among the community and promote the welfare. When we analyze in depth we find the deep meaning of church is people not the building. According to different believers it is their house not a simple building about the worship of God. The number of inhabitants in Germany in 1933 was around 60 million. All Germans were Christian, having a place either with the Roman Catholic (ca. 20 million individuals) or the Protestant (ca. 40 million individuals) places of worship. The Jewish people group in Germany in 1933 was under 1% of the aggregate populace of the nation. Hence they all go in different churches and there are many different believes about each. History of each church is enveloped by many interesting event. In the vicinity of 1830 and 1845, approximately 40,000 individuals left Germany every year for America where they joined the westbound development. In 1840 the cooperation of ministers and individuals was sorted out. In 1849, the principal church, St. Paul's in St. Louis, joined the peaceful gathering, the Kirchenverein . In 1847, the Kirchenverein delivered its own Evangelical Catechism, abridged in 1862 by Andreas. The goal was not to force Christian still, small voice at purposes of difference, however to give images to the expression of God, behind which was the truth of God's reclaiming love through Jesus Christ. By 1857, an Agenda (Worship Order) was embraced and in 1862, an Evangelical Hymnal. Among the German workers there were free-speculation pragmatists, who put their expectation in science, training, and culture. A hefty portion of them Deists, they clung to their liberation from the congregation and, feeling edified, rather joined hotels, clubs, and singing social orders. Many were derisive of ministers and houses of worship, contributing unnecessarily to hardship on the wilderness. They were unmoved by the infrequent evangelist who went to their outskirts groups. Nonetheless, when their own particular youngsters hinted at lack of education and irreligion, many were adequately irritated to stretch out cordiality to a very much prepared minister of genuine confidence, who frequently needed to serve a few groups without a moment's delay. In this way German people started their worship in their holy churches formed in various states that include Missouri, California and many others. They started to gain education of their religion and started to preach about their religious believes in all across the world. Asia and Africa was their main target. The Lutheran Church that is also known as Missouri Synod was in German make up just before the World War I. This synod was extended and gains millions of followers in late nineteenth century and in start of twenty century. There are 2.4 million followers of this church. This is not only church but a hub of learning as it owns about ten universities and colleges. LCMS emphasizes greatly on the doctrines of Bible. Its amazing fact is that it operates more than one hundred schools and has the largest school chains in US and Canada. LCMS is trying to spread the love of Christ in all across the world that is changing continually. According to the admin of LCMS in Missouri their main mission is to spread the love of Christ in churches, educational institutes and in all across the globe.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Biography of Jefferson Davis, Confederate President
Biography of Jefferson Davis, Confederate President Jefferson Davis (born Jefferson Finis Davis; June 3, 1808–December 6, 1889) was a prominent American soldier, secretary of war, and political figure who became the president of the Confederate States of America, a nation formed in rebellion to the United States. Before becoming a leader of the slave states in rebellion, he was viewed by some as a plausible future president of the United States. Fast Facts: Jefferson Davis Known For: Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America.Also Known As: Jefferson Finis DavisBorn: June 3, 1808 in Todd County, KentuckyParents: Samuel Emory Davis and Jane DavisDied: December 6, 1889 in New Orleans, LouisianaEducation: Transylvania University, U.S. Military Academy at West PointPublished Works: The Rise and Fall of the Confederate GovernmentSpouses: Sarah Knox Taylor, Varina HowellChildren: 6Notable Quote: Are we, in this age of civilization and political progress†¦to roll back the whole current of human thought, and again return to the mere brute force which prevails between beasts of prey, as the only method of settling questions between men? Early Life and Education Jefferson Davis grew up in Mississippi and was educated at Transylvania University in Kentucky for three years. He then entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, graduated in 1828, and received a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army. Early Career and Family Life Davis served as an infantry officer for seven years. After resigning his military commission in 1835, Davis married Sarah Knox Taylor, the daughter of Zachary Taylor, the future president and Army colonel. Taylor strongly disapproved of the marriage. The newlyweds moved to Mississippi, where Sarah contracted malaria and died within three months. Davis himself contracted malaria and recovered, but he often suffered lingering effects from the disease. Over time, Davis repaired his relationship with Zachary Taylor and he became one of Taylors most trusted advisers during his presidency. Davis married Varina Howell in 1845. They remained married for the rest of his life and had six children, three of whom lived to adulthood. Cotton Plantation and Start in Politics From 1835 to 1845, Davis became a successful cotton planter, farming on a plantation called Brierfield, which had been given to him by his brother. He also began buying slaves in the mid-1830s. According to the federal census of 1840, he owned 39 slaves. In the late 1830s, Davis took a trip to Washington, D.C. and apparently met President Martin Van Buren. His interest in politics developed, and in 1845 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat. The Mexican War and Political Rise With the beginning of the Mexican War in 1846, Davis resigned from Congress and formed a volunteer company of infantrymen. His unit fought in Mexico, under General Zachary Taylor, and Davis was wounded. He returned to Mississippi and received a heros welcome. Davis was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1847 and obtained a powerful position on the Military Affairs Committee. In 1853, Davis was appointed secretary of war in the cabinet of President Franklin Pierce. It was probably his favorite job, and Davis took to it energetically, helping to bring important reforms to the military. His interest in science inspired him to import camels for use by the U.S. Cavalry. Secession In the late 1850s, as the nation was splitting over the issue of slavery, Davis returned to the U.S. Senate. He cautioned other southerners about secession, but when slave states started leaving the Union, he resigned from the Senate. On January 21, 1861, in the waning days of the administration of James Buchanan, Davis gave a dramatic farewell speech in the Senate and pleaded for peace. President of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis was the only president of the Confederate States of America. He held the office from 1861 until the collapse of the Confederacy at the end of the Civil War, in the spring of 1865. Davis never campaigned for the presidency of the Confederacy in the sense that politicians in the United States campaign. He was essentially selected to serve and he claimed not to be seeking the position. He began his term with widespread support within the states in rebellion. Opposition As the Civil War continued, Davis critics within the Confederacy increased. Before secession, Davis had consistently been a forceful and eloquent advocate for states rights. Ironically, he became inclined to impose the rule of a strong central government as he tried to manage the Confederate government. Strong states rights advocates within the Confederacy came to oppose him. Besides his choice of Robert E. Lee as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Davis is mostly deemed a weak leader by historians. Davis was seen as prickly, a poor delegator, overly involved in details, wrongly attached to defending Richmond, Virginia, and guilty of cronyism. Most historians agree that he was far less effective as a leader during wartime than his counterpart, President Abraham Lincoln. After the War Following the Civil War, many in the federal government and the public believed Davis to be a traitor responsible for years of bloodshed and the deaths of many thousands. There was a strong suspicion that Davis had been involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Some accused him of having ordered Lincolns murder. After Davis was apprehended by Union cavalry while trying to escape and perhaps keep the rebellion going, he was locked up in a military prison for two years. For a time he was kept in chains, and his health suffered from his rough treatment. The federal government eventually decided not to prosecute Davis and he returned to Mississippi. He was financially ruined, since he had lost his plantation (and, like many other large landholders in the south, his slaves). Later Years and Death Thanks to a wealthy benefactor, David was able to live comfortably on an estate, where he wrote a book about the Confederacy, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. In his final years, in the 1880s, he was often visited by admirers. Davis died on December 6, 1889. A large funeral was held for him in New Orleans and he was buried in the city. His body was eventually moved to a large tomb in Richmond, Virginia. Legacy Davis, in the decades before the Civil War, served admirably in a number of positions within the federal government. Before becoming a leader of the slave states in rebellion, he was viewed by some as a possible future president of the United States. But his accomplishments are judged differently from other American politicians. While he held the Confederate government together in nearly impossible circumstances, he was considered a traitor by those loyal to the United States. There were many Americans who believed he should have been tried for treason and hanged after the Civil War. Some advocates for Davis point to his intellect and relative skill in governing the rebel states. But his detractors note the obvious: Davis strongly believed in the perpetuation of slavery. The veneration of Jefferson Davis remains a controversial subject. Statues of him appeared throughout the south following his death, and, because of his defense of slavery, many now believe those statues should be taken down. There are also periodic calls to remove his name from public buildings and roads which had been named in his honor. His birthday continues to be celebrated in several southern states, and his presidential library opened in Mississippi in 1998. Sources Cooper, William C., Jr. Jefferson Davis, American. Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. McPherson, James M. Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief. Penguin Press, 2014. Strode, Hudson. Jefferson Davis: Confederate President. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
IMMIGRATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IMMIGRATION - Essay Example The U.S. has never been the melting pot that was expected. Instead, immigrant ethnic groups have maintained their unique identities for generation after generation. The immigrant heritage has worked itself into the basic fabric of American life. The cycle of anti-immigrant feelings and politics seems closely tied to economic issues: when the nation needs laborers, immigrants of all kinds are welcomed, when jobs are scarce, immigrants are excluded. (Purcell, p.xii). In â€Å"Unchecked Immigration†what is Peter Brimelow’s claim, and what solutions does he propose? Using secondary sources to advance your argument, state whether you agree or disagree with Brimelow’s claim and solutions. According to Peter Brimelow, in the article Unchecked Immigration, the 1965 Immigration Act triggered an influx of historically high proportions, particularly compared to current U.S. birth rates. If the present trends continue, the U.S. population will reach 390 million by 2050. More than a third of the population would be post-1970 immigrants and their descendants. Because the 1965 Act arbitrarily choked off immigration from Europe, this influx has been almost completely from the third world. As recently as 1960, whites who were 90% of the population, by 2050 will be on the verge of becoming a minority. A demographic transformation such as this is without precedent in the history of the world. Also, the 1990 census revealed that native-born Americans both black and white were fleeing from the immigrant-favored areas, where they were being replaced in equal numbers by immigrants. They fled to two different parts of the country, where their own people were. Peter Brimelow claims that the U.S. is coming apart ethnically under the impact of the enormous influx. He wonders whether America continues to be the integration of ethnicity and culture as a nation, and whether the American nation-state can survive. The solutions to the problem, that Peter Brimelow offers are that: In
Monday, February 3, 2020
Murdoch Family Business Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Murdoch Family Business Analysis - Essay Example The business was originally set up in the year 1828 by two emigrants of Scottish origin into Australia in 1828 viz. Reverend James Murdoch and Helen Murdoch. The members of this family are prominently known as the international proprietors in the world of media. The family business is especially popular in the United States of America, United Kingdom and Australia. Some of the members of the Murdoch family have also carved a niche of themselves in the area of clergy, military and arts in Australia. The Murdoch Family Business is highly reputed for its business legacy and because it has been a highly successful and completely family controlled business which has been managed in an impressive manner over the generations of the functioning of the business empire (Page, 2003).Currently, the Murdoch Family Business holds stakes in a number of companies and corporations in the arena of media including News Corporation, the Times of London, and Sunday Times, 21st Century Fox and The Herald and Weekly Times Limited. The Murdoch Family Business is mainly concentrated on the mass media and entertainment industry either through the direct ownership companies or through stakes in internationally acclaimed entertainment and media companies. The different companies under the control of the family operate in various verticals of the mass media and entertainment sector. As per a report by Forbes in 2007, Rupert Murdoch was the 73rd ranked billionaire in the world who has a net worth of USD 9.1 billion as of 2007 (Forbes Magazine, 2007). By 2013, Rupert Murdoch went on to become the 33rd richest individual in the United States of America and the 91st richest individual in the world. From 2007 to 2013, the net worth of Rupert Murdoch as the owner of the Murdoch family business rose form USD 9.1 billion o USD 13.4 billion. Also, in 2013, Rupert Murdoch and the family were ranked as the 33rd most influential family in the world. The fortune
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Human Dive Reflex
The Human Dive Reflex INTRODUCTION: The dive reflex is portrayed as bradycardia caused by submerging an individuals head underwater. In diving vertebrates this occurs in a remarkable manner than compared to humans (Hurwitz Furedy 1986). A diving seal where baseline heart rate rises 100 beats to 10 beats per minute when diving would be an example of this (Hurwitz Furedy 1986). Bradycardia is stated as slow resting heart rate or pulse rate (Tortara Derrickson 2009). Accompanied bradycardia response to breath hold is advantageous for vertebrate as well as humans because it permits physiological processes to adjust to environmental change by redistributing blood flow from periphery (non-essential organs) to brain and other essential organs (Hurwitz et al 1986 Gooden 1994 ) The dive reflex depends on the autonomic control of the heart to begin proper responses, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) sends impulses through the cardiac accelerator nerve and starts release of norephrine which increases contractility and hear t rate. However parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) works through vagus nerves which end in heart decreasing contractility of the heart by decreasing rate of spontaneous depolarization (Tortara Derrickson 2009). Producing bradycardia response requires the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system to work antagonistically (Hurwitz Furedy 1984). Dive reflex consists of two stimuli; the stimulation of facial receptors which are responsive to cold and wetness (pressure receptors), and the voluntary or involuntary termination of breathing or a decrease PO2 (Gooden 1994). Facial stimulus travels through the trigeminal to integrated respiratory centre and cardiovascular centre inside medulla oblongata. Inhibitory neural signals generated by facial receptors inhibits respiratory centre consequently triggers termination of respiratory muscles such as the diaphragm and intercostals causing reflex apnoea in order to inhibit aspiration of water (Hiebert Burch 2003). In a ddition, inhibition of respiratory centre stimulates cardiovascular centre and therefore increases parasympathetic activity via vagus nerve to start bradycardia , and as well stimulates sympathetic activity to vasoconstrict arterioles in limbs and non essential organs for instance the skin, intestines, and kidney causing them to rely on anaerobic conditions (Hiebert Burch 2003).This non essential organ vasoconstriction allows the redirection of blood flow to the brain and heart, this guards the brain from injury by supplying as much as oxygen that is needed , and reducing the brains requirement for oxygen by cooling (Hiebert Burch 2003).The decrease in PO2 is sensed by the arterial chemoreceptors from involuntary or voluntary breath hold , stimulates the cardiovascular centre to signal the SNS and PNS to complete the same antagonist functions completed in respiratory inhibition stimulus(Hiebert Burch 2003). Also the expected Bradycardia when simulating dive can be unsuccessful du e to emotional reasons such as fear, being distracted, being embarrassed, or in eagerness to submerge out of water could induce tachycardia response (Gooden 1994). In addition the experiments accomplished will show the stimulus in dive reflex and the physiological reasons behind those reflexes will be discussed. METHOD: First of all the investigation was accomplished using a subject seated on lab stool with the same posture, with their head down, and elbows resting on the bench. Chart 5 was setup and a finger transducer was connected to the subjects index finger. The subject sat quietly to rest heart rate and distractions were kept to smallest amount to avoid false recordings .The subjects palms were facing up to diminish finger movement as a result reducing signal dampening of finger transducer while recording . Prior to undertaking the diving experiments the subject practiced their breath hold; the subject took two deep breaths but not maximal breaths before holding their breath for 30 seconds. Every experiment lasted 1 and half minutes with recordings showing heart rate per min at: rest, 1st 15 seconds of breath hold, 2nd 15 seconds of breath hold, and recovery. For each dive stimulation, this was expected. Prior to the experiments it was noted not to force the subject from simulating a dive or b reath hold if they feel unpleasant doing so. The effect of diving was experimented on using different water temperatures, and snorkelling equipment. The water basin was positioned in front of the subject seated in appropriate posture staying motionless (it was furthermore important for the subject to remain motionless during the experiment as this triggered further signal dampening while recording heart rate) .the subject would take a deep breath and exhale to some extent and submerge their face in water up to cheeks, and yet again heart rate would be recorded for 30 seconds. These events were used for every breath hold dive simulation. For a more detailed method refer to MEDSCI 205 laboratory manual page 35-39. For the analysis of results % change in heart rate was calculated using the equation below: % change The above graph shows the percentage change in heart rate from the effect of apnoea caused by water temperature and pressure changes. The graph above shows the effect of apnoea only on heart rate of the subject which indicates that holding breath has a apparent change in heart rate compared to holding breath in cold water. The above graph represents the percentage change in heart rate due to the effects of temperature. Discussion: Investigating all data gathered from the experiments draw together the fact that bradycardia was observed in most of them. In table 3 the subject showed an increase in heart rate in snorkelling, the standard dive and holding breathing in warm water. As reviewed in the introduction the reason may be due anxiety or distractions which lead to the beginning of tachycardia (Gooden 1994). Snorkelling (shown on table 3) showed a noteworthy increase in heart rate instead of a bradycardia response, the fact that literature proposes on immersing face in water the body must begin reflex apnoea and diving bradycardia (Gooden 1994). Also in resting pulse 1st standard dive the 1st 15 seconds showed an increase in heart rate followed by significant decrease to 69.68 beats per min. The rapid decrease in the 2nd 15 seconds was due to the importance of the body adapting to retain oxygen reserve to supply vital organs (Hurwitz Furedy 1984). Analysing breathing in water with snorkel vs. Holding breath in cold water showed there were not such significant heart rate differences between the two experiments conducted .In breathing in water with a snorkel, there was a steady increase and decrease in heart rate from 7.9 % 16.1% change, but these heart rate measurements were in range if of resting pulse 55.82 beats per min measured at the start of the experiment. In comparison holding breath in cold water showed expected decrease in heart rate from resting pulse by 7.8% decrease in first 15 seconds to 16.6% decrease in second 15 seconds. This experiment shows that voluntary apnoea by itself causes bradycardia through the decreasing levels of PO2 which triggers arterial chemoreceptors ,that sends stimulating the cardiovascular centre to start appropriate responses via the parasympathetic and sympathetic pathways working destructively (Hurwitz Furedy 1984). Snorkelling showed a change in heart rate by 7.9 % and 16.1%, but the reaction was an increase in heart rate than a likely decrease as assumed in literature (Hiebert Burch 2003). Voluntary facial immersions in water according to literature should usually stimuli pressure receptors in face and obstruct respiratory muscles to begin reflex apnoea and in addition stimuli sympathetic to constrain blood flow and stimuli cardiovascular centre to begin bradycardia during the dive is model (Hiebert Burch 2003). Additionally the simulated dive with cold water demonstrated a likely bradycardia response with a decrease change in heart by 7.8% and 16.6% this implies that the sensitivity of cold wet receptors on the face can add to Bradycardia, in effort to reduce oxygen expenditure (Hiebert Burch 2003).While evaluating heart rate values obtained from snorkelling and breath hold in cold water, the experiment showed the stabilizer effects of cold water on decreasing the heart rate and that facia l immersion should show a Bradycardia response. (Hiebert Burch 2003) (Pauler, Pokorski, Honda, Ahn et al 1990. From the analysis of results it can be agreed upon that holding breath in warm water has to some level, less change in heart rate, in the first 15 seconds heart rate increased by 1.3% and decreased by 0.79% in second 15 seconds with a significant 13.1% increase in heart rate in recovery phase well over the normal resting pulse 62.0 beats per min a probable cause may have been anticipation to submerge out of water (Hiebert Burch 2003). Cold water, in comparison demonstrated the expected Bradycardia by illustrating significant change in heart rate from resting pulse by 7.8% in first 15 seconds to 12.3% in second 15 seconds, then restoring back to the resting pulse in the recovery phase. This experiment additionally confirmed that facial receptors are sensitive to cold and that immersion in cold water will constantly associate with a strong decrease in heart rate (Pauler, Pokorski, Honda, Ahn et al 1990). Also the variation in heart rate between warm water and cold water dive simulatio ns point out that cold water has additive effects on heart rate reduction by apnoea (Hiebert Burch 2003). Cold water demonstrated the majority of significant change in heart rate compared to other cues. The probable cause of this would be facial immersion in cold water, as this leads to reducing metabolic functions in an effort to lower the oxygen demand to peripheral tissue caused from hypoxia and tissue cooling (Hiebert Burch 2003). It has been stated by literature, that the higher the temperature the lower bradycardia responses expected the lower the temperature the higher the bradycardia responses expected (Gooden 1994). The second highest change in heart rate was shown in snorkelling which was not expected. The expected result was a small decrease in heart rate to explain pressure / wet receptors stimuli bradycardia (Hiebert Burch 2003).Holding breath in air showed the expected change in heart rate. The other cues experimented showed the added effects to breath hold will increase bradycardia compared to breath hold alone. Also warm water had showed small change in heart rate this pr oposed that it has little or no added effect to dive reflex response. Conclusion In conclusion in all cues experimented with breath hold and facial immersion a commencement bradycardia was observed this proposed that breath hold or apnoea plays an important role in the dive reflex. In addition facial immersion in cold water was established to be the most powerful stimulus of dive reflex.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Demonstrate How To Respond Essay
There are several different ways to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating. As communication is a two way process, it important to respond to show that I am listening and that I understand the information being given. 2.4 There are many ways in which we can demonstrate how to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating. A response during communication is needed for the communication to take place. If someone is talking to you and you are not responding, it is difficult for any communication to take place. When you respond to someone, it shows that you are listening to them, which then shows that you understand what they are saying and are interpreting it correctly. However, the response doesn’t need to be verbal. A simple nod can even be considered communicating, as long as both participants are aware of each other and understand what is being put forth. If a patient is upset and appears to be getting agitated whilst talking, a simple change of tone can help calm the situation down, also by using gentle hand gestures it could also help diffuse the situation and it also shows that you are listening to what they are saying. Another example is observing a patient when they are talking to you. You need to be aware of their body language as this can show any sign of anxiousness, agitation or stress. By looking at their facial expressions when you are speaking to them to see how they react to what you are saying. Eyes contact is also another thing to look at. If a person is avoiding eye contact with you it may be because they feel uncomfortable with what they are saying of hearing from you. It is essential that you feel the patient has understood what you have said, therefore by repeating what you have said and rephrasing what you have said ensure this. Also by leaving the conversation for a while then coming back to talk about it again may help.
Friday, January 10, 2020
David Hume’s Necessary Connection Essay
Hume questions why humans always make a necessary connection to events. Hume has always stated that it is impossible for humans to think anything that they have not already experienced. So to find the idea of Necessary Connection we have to look back on our impressions. We have to find where the idea of Necessary Connection came from. Hume argues that we cannot create new ideas for ourselves, which solidifies his position on Necessary Connection. Hume has an explanation for this his stand on Necessary Connection. Hume argues that there is cause instead of Necessary Connection. We cannot show the necessity of cause to every new existence without also showing that something’s existence depends on a productive principal. For example we are unable to explain why we are able to move our thumb. We know we can will it to do so but we do not know the process of the action. We are unable to connect all the biological connections such as nerves and impulses from our brain telling certain muscles and tendons to do the action of moving our thumb. Also, since all distinct ideas can be separated, and cause and effect are distinct ideas, we can conceive any object to be non-existent and then existent without attaching causality. This goes back to the ability, or non-ability, of humans to create an idea. There has to be a cause and effect in our minds when an event happens. Now, we go all the way back to the beginning of existence. The separation of the idea of cause from the beginning of existence is possible in the imagination. Hume says that we do not need to associate a cause with the beginning of existence.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay Solutions for Mcdonald Chapter 6 - 2832 Words
Chapter 6 Commodity Forwards and Futures Question 6.1. The spot price of a widget is $70.00. With a continuously compounded annual risk-free rate of 5%, we can calculate the annualized lease rates according to the formula: F0,T = S0 Ãâ€" e(r−Î ´l )Ãâ€"T ⇆F0,T S0 = e(r−Î ´l )Ãâ€"T S0 = (r − ÃŽ ´l ) Ãâ€" T F0,T 1 ln T S0 ⇆ln F0,T ⇆Î ´l = r − Time to expiration Forward price Annualized lease rate 3 months $70.70 0.0101987 6 months $71.41 0.0101147 9 months $72.13 0.0100336 12 months $72.86 0.0099555 The lease rate is less than the risk-free interest rate. The forward curve is upward sloping, thus the prices of exercise 6.1. are an example of contango. Question 6.2. The spot price of oil is $32.00 per barrel. With a continuously compounded annual†¦show more content†¦It does not make sense to store pencils in equilibrium, because even if we have an active lease market for pencils, the lease rate is smaller than the risk-free interest rate. Lending money at ten percent is more proï ¬ table than lending pencils at ï ¬ ve percent. b) The equilibrium forward price is calculated according to our pricing formula: F0,T = S0 Ãâ€" e(r−Î ´l )Ãâ€"T = $0.20 Ãâ€" e(0.10−0.05)Ãâ€"1 = $0.20 Ãâ€" 1.05127 = $0.2103, which is the price given in the exercise. c) c1) Let us ï ¬ rst look at the different arbitr age strategies we can use in each case. Pencils can be sold short. We can engage in our usual reverse cash and carry arbitrage: Transaction Time 0 Time T = 1 Long forward 0 ST − F0,T Short-sell tailed pen- $0.19025 −ST cil position, @ 0.05 Lend short-sale −$0.19025 $0.2103 proceeds @ 0.1 Total 0 $0.2103 − F0,T For there to be no arbitrage, F0,T ≠¥ $0.2103 c2) Suppose pencils cannot be sold short. Then we have no ability to create the short position necessary to offset the pencil price risk from the long forward. Consequently, we are not able to ï ¬ nd a lower boundary for the pencil forward in this case. 81 Part 2 Forwards, Futures, and Swaps c3) Pencils can be loaned. We engage in a cash and carry arbitrage: Transaction Time 0 Short forward 0 Buy tailed pencil −$0.19025 position, lend @0.05 borrow @ 0.1 $0.19025 Total 0 Time T = 1 F0,T − ST ST −$0.2103 F0,T − $0.2103 For thereShow MoreRelatedSolutions For Families : Distressed Situations1551 Words  | 7 PagesSolutions for Families in Distressed Situations Caroline Aranda, Ashley Haver, Carlos Siao, Veronica Ortiz, Ronyel Calloway Communication 8 California State University, Fresno 16 November 2016 TOPIC: Solutions for Families in Distressed Situations SPECIFIC PURPOSE: (Caroline) INTRODUCTION: (Caroline) CENTRAL IDEA: (Caroline) PREVIEW: (Caroline) [Transition 1: BODY: How do families become in these distressed situations? 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