Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Drugs Affect College Students - 2351 Words
While advancing to college, countless students begin to possess habits that have a negative effect on his or her health, emotions, and relationships with others. These habits include drugs, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating routines, and numerous others. College can be a very stressful environment for students, causing them to obtain new habits that are very harmful. Students feel as though these habits will help with the stress in their lives, but unfortunately it only makes them sick and harms their emotions and relationships. One major habit that students experiment with is drugs. There are many drugs or harmful substances that only harm college students. These harmful substances include alcohol, ecstasy, meth, and caffeine.†¦show more content†¦They thought it would be a useful drug to aide individuals in opening up to counselors and being able to find a state of mutual understanding. Although the drug was meant for psychotherapy use, it found its way into the drug s cene (Kuhn, Swartzwelder, and Wilson 81). Ecstasy comes in a tablet form and is usually swallowed or crushed up and snorted. This drug is commonly found at rave parties and other dance parties. It is used to enhance the mood among the party members. Ecstasy is extremely popular among young adults due to the effect it has on an individual. Ecstasy is known as the love drug because of the warm feeling it provides the user with. Kuhn, Swartzwelder, and Wilson note that it causes the user to have good feelings for all those around them (80). It also provides the user with an extreme feeling of empathy. Encarta Dictionary defines empathy as the ability to identify with and understand another persons feelings or difficulties. A first time user described the effect of the pill, ecstasy: What happens is, the drug takes away all your neuroses. It takes away you fear response. You feel open, clear, loving. I cant imagine anyone being angry under its influence, or feeling selfish, or mean, or even defensive. You have a lot of insights into yourself, real insights that stay with you after the experience is over. It doesnt give you anything that isnt already there. Its not a trip. You dont lose touch with theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Negative Habits On College1681 Words  | 7 PagesHabits in College Negative habits such as alcoholism, abuse of drugs, sleep deprivation, and procrastination impact minority students more than non-minority students. Many students go off to college every year and do not stay on track. They begin college with the best of intentions: go to class, excel, and eventually graduate. College is very fun, but it is also a time in your life where you have to learn what to put first, and what can wait for later. 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